Monday, September 30, 2019

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was considered by many historians as the Greatest American President. He was the sixteenth United States president, guided his country to the most devastating experience in its national history-the Civil War. Still, it can be said that President Lincoln went through several challenges even from his early age. Truly, we can learn many things from his life’s experiences and especially in his ideology, things that made him really worthy of being called the â€Å"Greatest American President†.In order to appreciate and really learn from the life of Abraham Lincoln, let us look closely to the life of Abraham Lincoln, his difficulties and struggles and especially his achievements. February 12, 1809 on a Sunday morning, Nancy Lincoln, Thomas Lincoln’s wife had given birth to a baby boy named after his grandfather Abraham in a log cabin Hardin bed of poles on the farm of Nolin Creek near Hodgenville, Kentucky. This area is now part of Larue country, the ar ea in which now is being considered the frontier. Bought of his parents are never had an education. His father Thomas worked as a farmer and a carpenter.Nancy Lincoln, his mother could not even write. Definitely, Abraham grew up literally without having or experiencing a formal education until his early age. Amazingly, during the year 1815, Abraham Lincoln at a very young age had already learned his ABC’s through his effort and trough the help of his teacher named Zachariah Riney. He has spent his spare time on a log school house. He attended classes with Sarah his sisters two years older than him. They sometimes attended school taught by their neighbor Caleb Hasel. At the age of seven their family moved to southern Indiana where he continues school after their migration to Kentucky.Abraham attends his school punctually, he always wears with him his raccoon cap, he only had his buckskin clothes and his pant that was wrecked as a marked of its age that by the time became too s hort for him that his calves were already exposed. At home Abraham heard verses and scriptures read from the family bible. The family of Abraham was all members of Baptist congregation and worshippers but due to the opposition to the slavery they had become separated in the congregation to another church. He was once saved from being drowned by his friend and Austin Gollaher.His family decided to stay near Gentryville in the Southern Indiana late in the year 1816. Nancy, his mother had died on the 5th day of October due to a disease contracted by drinking poisonous milk from cows known as milk sicknesses. And because of poverty Abraham may recall by then carving pegs to be able to provide his mother a coffin. He drags the coffin which was made by a green pine. They buried her without having a formal funeral service. At later year his father married a widow Sarah Bush Johston, she stand as a good mother to them and Abraham loves her as his real mother.She also encourages Abraham to e ducation. On the following year-1821, Abraham because of his eagerness to gain knowledge, learn and be thought with by man things began to borrow books from their fellow citizen. With all of those available books he begins reading it all keenly. He read books such as Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe as well as books of fables or the Aesop’s Fables. It was 1882 when he first attended James Swaney’s classes and this last about four months. Although his school attended taught by Azel Dorsey ended quickly, he never stops learning and learning, he made his self-education rewardingly.He read everything he could; he never stops reading and learning variety of subjects including mathematics, literature and law. Additionally, during his spare time he studied Law and become a successful Lawyer in the year 1836. On 1825 Abraham has been able to owned his personal book written by Parson Mason Weems â€Å"Life of Washington† which he worked and paid for the worth from Josiah Crawford, his neighbor when the book become soaked with rain. Abraham’s wife Mary Ann Todd was born on December 13, 1818. Abraham on 1831 decided to depart with his family and leave by his own.He began to formulate his own opinions as he saw some abuse happening during his second time around flatboat trip to New Orleans. He then moved to Illinois and start on getting closer with Ann the daughter of the house he boarded. Aside from operating a store he also works into several jobs such as surveying and serving as a post master while staying at Illinois. The people were all get impressed by his good character she actually gained the nick name â€Å"Honest Abe†. Mary Ann and Abraham had four sons but Robert Lincoln was the only one who survived into adulthood.Abraham believes that the government should be a force of good deeds and positive purpose whose desires are to serve the people. That is why he believes that he must have a high position to the government in order fo r him to be a more influential leader so that he can able to achieve his goal. And because of the eagerness he has in his heart his strong aspiration makes him entered politics. And to become the president of the United States becomes his burning desire. It was August 1, year 1831 when Abraham cast his first ballot. In 1832, at the age of 23 he unsuccessfully ran for Illinois Legislature.After two years he became elected for the lower house 1834, 1836, 1838 until 1841 and won all 4 times for the first of four consecutive terms. He ran eight in the field of 13 candidates for the position. Lincoln being the member of a Whig party had become able to give his support to the Illinois State Bank, the second bank of the United States. It was 1856 when he was still a Whig member and soon became a republican. The government has sponsored internal improvements such as roads, canals, railroads, harbors, protective tariffs and other navigational improvements.His first flat forms announced that, time and experience verified that the poorest and the most thinly populated countries would be greatly benefited by supporting this improvement on the Sangamon River because he believed that it will allow those poor areas near the river to flourish by attracting steamboat traffic. Lincoln is not like most politicians in his time, he considered everyone to be equal. He recognized the presence of everyone in the community, he even considered farmers as no more or less than anyone else. He had sympathy to labor; evidence that he did not forget his past and that humility is still in his personality.As early as 1837, Lincoln stated his opposition to slavery stating that it was the opposite of opportunity and as well as mobility. Lincoln ran and the United States House of Representative and has won it in 1846. He became popular for opposing slavery and Washington’s Mexican War. He returned home and practiced hi Law and tried to have more focused on it more than before. Unfortunate ly, the next following years for him were the year of struggles. But because of his determination and eagerness to pursue things he begin he never let all of this down failed and discouraged him in reaching his dreams.Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 renewed his interest in politics. Though he became unsuccessful in his ran for the bid for the U. S. Senate in 1855, in the year 1856 nomination for the Republican vice-president he by then received some support. In the same year he also have his speech of opposing the Dred Scott decision in the year 1857 known as the â€Å"Lost Speech†. He had also given his legendary speech, the â€Å"House Divided† June 16, 1858. Furthermore, Lincoln had also engaged in series of debates also on the year 1858 with Stephen A. Douglas who won the Senatorial race.He was definitely not an abolitionist but just in opposition to the increase of slavery into the country. In 1860, he has received national recognition and promotes his national reputa tion in New York at the Cooper with a successful speech. His perseverance and hard work paid of when he finally became the sixteenth president of the United States. However, during this time the due to the south is dependent on slavery in order to prosper and because of this conflicts arise between the north and south and the south decided to form their own union.Being the newly elected president of a United States, Abraham Lincoln prioritized saving the original union even if this means the start of the civil war. The civil war arises in 1861 and on the 19th of November 1863, Lincoln delivered a speech on a battle field that is near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The said speech is said to have shaped the United States’ destiny and is known as the â€Å"Gettysburg Address†. The speech contains Lincoln’s vision of a nation that is conceived by liberty and equality among its citizens.In his Inaugural Address, he warned the South saying, â€Å"In your hands, my dissat isfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war, the government will not assail you. † (Bush, 2007). Lincoln added, â€Å"You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and depend it† (Bush, 2007). Even without that much experience, the succeeding years of civil war had proved that Lincoln is one the most extraordinary leaders that the United States had ever seen.Lincoln had shown good leadership ability, morally and also politically. He saw that the war is a fight against secession and not against slavery and on September 1862, he announced the Emancipation Proclamation that interprets the war as a form of crusade against slavery. In 1865, slavery was legally ended through the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. It is also in the Gettysburg Address that the famous idea of Lincoln of â€Å"government of the people. by the people, for the people† had been made known and he define the civil war as a struggle against such idea of the government.Civil War were lasted for about four long years and this years of struggles were ended in 1865 and cause the death of American people of more than half a million lives. Still, the president’s view and dream of a nation was realized, a nation that is united where people are free from slavery. President Lincoln, together with his wife went to Washington, DC in the Ford Theater to celebrate the end of the civil war. However, the victory of the president in uniting the nation does not pleased everyone and one of them is John Wilkes Booth, an actor of the play in Ford Theater. Booth shot President Lincoln that cause the president’s death.Up to now, the memory of President Lincoln still lives in the heart and memories of his fellow countrymen, guiding every American and the whole world to create a good nation and a better world where everyone is equal regardless of our distinction. Presi dent Abraham Lincoln is truly one of a kind and deserves our respect and the honor given to him, even greater. Not only his views and principles are admirable but also how he achieved his dreams and everything the he went through makes him even more worthy of our respect. References A&E Television Networks. (2007). Abraham Lincoln Biography (1809-65). RetrievedDecember 02, 2007 from http://www. biography. com/search/article. do? id=9382540. Bush, J. W. (No Date). Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http://www. whitehouse. gov/history/presidents/al16. html Cyber Nation. (2004). The Compelling Story of Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http://www. cybernation. com/lincoln_bio. html Norton, R. ,J. (2007). An Overview of Abraham Lincoln's Life. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http://home. att. net/~rjnorton/Lincoln77. html Norton, R. , J. (2007). A Brief Biography of Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http://members. aol. com/RVSNorton/Linco ln23. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Becoming American

Dinesh D'Souza was born in Mumbai, India to parents from the state of Goa in Western India. He grew up in a middle-class family in Mumbai. His father was a chemical engineer; his mother is an office secretary. He was raised without great luxury, but neither did he lack for anything. He arrived in the United States in 1978, originally through a Rotary International program, attending Patagonia Union High School in Patagonia, Arizona, and then move to Dartmouth College, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa in English in 1983.In 1981, D'Souza published the names of officers of the Gay Student Alliance in an article for The Dartmouth Review, including the names of those who were still closeted. While at Dartmouth, D'Souza became the editor of a conservative monthly called The Prospect. The paper and its writers ignited much controversy during D'Souza's editorship. Later on, D’ Souza published a lot of write up with regard to his new life in America.D’Souza able to illustrate t he feelings and emotion of an immigrant coming from a third world country, for him (D’Souza), as a new comer in America he feel a typical experienced that alternate between wonders and delight. D’Souza added that, America is a country where all people has freedom, hard working, the community is organized, the economic is abundant, the roads are properly paved, telephone has dial tone, highways and sign board are clear and accurate. Moreover, the author claimed that American government provides an amazingly good life for their ordinary citizen.Rich people live well everywhere, but what distinguishes America is that it provides a remarkably high standard of living for the â€Å"common man. † According to him (D’Souza) that â€Å"a country is not judged by how it treats its most affluent citizens but by how it treats the average citizen†. The author added, as an immigrant coming from a third world country, you cannot help noticing that America is a co untry where poor people live comparatively well; they had television sets and cars.Ordinary Americans not only enjoy security and dignity, but also comforts that other societies reserve for the elite. American worker particularly in construction regularly earned 4$ for a cappuccino, where maids drive nice cars, where plumbers take their families on vacation to Europe. If this luxurious living in America as compared to the living in the Third world country, all of us can noticed that huge gap. Because according to the author, the life in the Third world country was miserable, people are struggling for their basic existence, it is not that they don’t work hard.On the contrary, they labor incessantly and endure hardships that are almost unimaginable to people in America. In the villages of Asia and Africa, for example, a common sight is a farmer beating a pickaxe into the ground, women wobbling under heavy loads, children carrying stones. These people are performing arduous labo r, but they are getting nowhere. The best that they can hope for is to survive for another day. Their clothes are tattered, their teeth are rotten, and disease and death constantly loom over the horizon.For most poor people on the planet, life is characterized by squalor, indignity, and brevity. The author sited some problem with regard to the situation of a Third world country are their basic infrastructure is abysmal. The roads are not properly paved, the water is not safe to drink, pollution in the cities has reached hazardous levels, public transportation is overcrowded and unreliable, economic is unstable and there is a two-year waiting period to get a telephone.The poorly paid government officials are inevitably corrupt, which means that you must pay bribes to get things done. Most important, prospects for the children’s future are dim. Dinesh D'Souza has elaborate many reasons why America is so great, he was able to discussed some issue with regard to America’s equality, pursuit of happiness, the ethics of work, religious liberty, ideals and interest and American’s virtue. According to the author, American critics alleged that the history of United States is defined by a series of crimes, slavery and genocide.American critics even point out a demand for apologies for these historical offenses and seek financial reparations for minorities and African-American. But the truth is that American has gone further than any society in establishing equality of rights. As documented by William Mcneill in Plagues and People, it was determined that numbers of Indians did perish as a result of their contact with whites, but most of them died by contracting diseases such as smallpox, measles, malaria, tuberculosis for which they had not developed immunities.Surely, all of this is relevant to the reparations debate. A trenchant observation that this issue was totally healed is the fight of Muhammad Ali against George Foreman for the heavyweight tit le, for which this battle was held in the African nation of Zaire. The issue with regard to slavery proved to be the transmission belt that brought Africans into the orbit of Western prosperity and freedom. Blacks in America have a higher standard of living and more freedom than any comparable group of blacks on the continent of Africa.D’Souza, stated that all this allegation is not strictly true, for a few decades now we can see blacks and some minorities have enjoyed more rights and privileges than whites. The reason behind this is that America had implemented affirmative action policies that give legal preferences to minority groups in university admission, jobs and government contracts. The author illustrates the pursuit of happiness in America because it offers more opportunity and social mobility than any other country. As a matter of fact, most societies offer limited opportunities for and little chance of true social mobility.Even in Europe, social mobility is relativ ely restricted. On the other hand, D’Souza discussed the ethic of work in America that gives a worldly focus in which death and the afterlife recede from everyday view. The people gazed are shifted from heavenly aspiration to earthly progress. In America, American Founders are responsible for the change, drawing from the inspiration of modern philosophers like Locke and Adam Smith. The American Founders knew that they could not transform human nature, so they devised a system that would thwart the schemes of the wicked and channel the energies of flawed persons toward the public good.The religious and ethnic difference in America does not lead to extreme violence; there was generally no framework fro people to coexist harmoniously, although America has a lot of religious groups, such as Hindus, Muslims, Irish Catholics and Irish Protestant, Jews and Palestinians and etc. The government still managed to balance the culture and religious difference of their citizen. One reason that separation of religion and government worked is that colonial America was made up of numerous, mostly Protestant sects. The Puritans dominated in Massachusetts; the Anglicans, in Virginia; the Catholics were concentrated in Maryland; and so on.The second reason was, the American Founders were able to avoid religious oppression and conflict ii which they found a way to channel people’s energies away from theological quarrels and into commercial activity. D’Souza concluded his write up that America is the greatest, freest, and most decent society in existence. For him, America is an oasis of goodness in a desert of cynicism and barbarism and the history will view America as a great gift to the world, a gift that Americans today must preserve and cherish. He imagines that, if ever he remained in India, what probably is his life now?Would he find and married a woman who was identical of his religion, socio-economic and cultural background? Would he certainly become a medical doctor, an engineer or a software programmer? For him, as a writer, he considers his life as a destined one, the opportunity to migrate in America became his bridge to gain his success in life today. Bibliography Bookstove, Nov. 16, 2007. What so Great About America. Stanza Ltd. April 08, 2007. http://www. bookstove. com/Non-fiction/Whats-So-Great-About-America-by-Dinesh-Dsouza. 59078/1

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cafeteria Food Essay Example for Free (#2)

Cafeteria Food Essay Some people think that school cafeterias should be required to provide low-fat and/or vegetarian lunch options to accommodate the government’s nutritional guidelines, but all students do not eat the same. In my essay about cafeteria food, I will explain what students want in their food. I will also share the likes and dislikes in the food and what we can do to improve it. Cold pizza, undercooked hamburgers and brown lettuce sounds nasty. Many students from different states and districts have to deal with that every day at their schools. The food from the cafeterias used to be good, with a sweet flavor, but in the last few years the food had taken a different flavor, a flavor that cannot be tolerated by the students. The students need a better quality in their food, don’t they? It’s time for a change, a change to food, so students can be satisfied while their eating, a change to food that can be really worth it. As a matter of fact, we students pay money to the district every year and this is what we get? It’s time for a change. Everybody knows that eating healthy was from the past. However, now students and not necessarily just students eat fast food like McDonalds or Taco Bell. Now everybody does, which can be a good and a bad thing. The changes of the food’s taste has made many students to not eat at school, or even made students to bring lunch, and this as a matter of fact causes the school to lose money. In all actuality is the loss of money causing the school to give students poorly made food? If the schools would serve students food from places like Pizza Hut and Subway I can guarantee that most or all students would eat at the cafeterias and it would benefit to both school and students. These types of foods would be so great to have in schools, but unfortunately the district and the governments have taken action and unfairly, they have set down laws that prohibit these foods in the schools. They have settled these laws because they want us as students to eat healthy, but if they want to keep us healthy, why are they giving us food with a bad and nasty taste? Also, with these laws they keep students like me away from eating too much â€Å"junk† food because they can cause obesity. But do they keep on giving us food that is not even worth the amount of money our parents give to the government every year? If they were the ones who eat all of the nasty food given by the cafeteria they would of get tired of eating cold pizza and uncooked hamburgers with brown lettuce just like we the students do. In conclusion, we all understand what the government and the school system is trying to do with this healthy eating program. They want to promote healthy eating habits in an effort to prevent obesity. Although nutrition is important, students feel that there is a better way to have healthy food without ruining the taste. Therefore, in an effort to keep students healthy and leave with their stomachs satisfied we should all come together to realize that we are the ones that have to make it through the school day with the food. Cafeteria Food. (2017, Mar 21).

Friday, September 27, 2019

International Football Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Football Management - Essay Example The recent injury to Robin Van Persie will keep him out for five long months; he picked up this injury playing for his national team Holland. He plays for Arsenal in the Barclays Premier League and his club lost to Chelsea yesterday. He would have made some difference had he been on the field. Arsene Wenger the manager of Arsenal must be feeling hard done by and this situation is very common. Even Wayne Rooney was injured on international duty and missed several games for Manchester United. Christiano Ronaldo is another player who was injured playing for Portugal and as an inevitable result of which missed several games for his present club Real Madrid. The managers of these illustrious clubs unwillingly release players because they know the consequences should their star players get injured. FIFA has firmly instructed all the clubs to release players for International duty; some clubs impede this rule set by FIFA by faking injuries. This prevents the players from playing for their n ation; this also ensures that they play injury free for their clubs. "Mark Viduka and Harry Kewell have failed to report for duty with the Socceroos and Australia coach Frank Farina has expressed his frustration at their unavailability for Wednesday's friendly against Venezuela in Caracas. Liverpool winger Kewell stayed in England on medical advice. 'I've been told by two doctors I wouldn't be advised to go on a plane for that long because it (injured ankle) would swell up. Meanwhile, the Australian Soccer Association (ASA) turned down a written request from relegation-threatened Leeds to keep Viduka and expected him to show up for training." (ESPN) This was the situation in 2004, clubs did whatever they could to ensure that their players stayed fit. This situation has become all the more worse now, players themselves want to play only for their clubs because they get much more money playing for their clubs than for their nation. This money factor is a very big driving force, which de-motivate the players from playing for their country. "Cristiano Ronaldo was due to join Portugal's squad on Tuesday for medical tests ahead of the World Cup playoff despite Real Madrid's insistence that his ankle is still injured. Madrid, which paid a world-record 94 million euros (C$148 million) to Manchester United for the winger in the off-season, had initially balked at allowing Ronaldo to travel as he hasn't played in a month." (Ronaldo) According to the rules set by FIFA a club cannot stop international authorities from conducting fitness tests on a player, fitness tests were conducted on Ronaldo too and it was found that he was seriously injured. Portugal qualified after playing the World Cup play off but this again goes to show the breach of rules set by the governing body of football. "Ronaldo was hurt during Madrid's Champions League match with Marseille on Sept. 30. He then aggravated the injury while playing for Portugal in a World Cup qualifier against Hungary on Oct. 10 and hasn't played since. The Portuguese Football Federation said all other players from Spanish clubs must travel to Portugal on Wednesday, after Tuesday's Copa del Rey matches." (Ronaldo) The African cup of nations is another tournament that brings out this tug of war between clubs and countries. This January the African Cup of Nations

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Modern Electronics and Personal Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Modern Electronics and Personal Privacy - Essay Example Growing Influence of social media: The number of people using the social media has increased significantly during this decade. Facebook remains the leader with over 400 million users (Widerlund, 2010). With the increasing number of people in this media, the traffic volume on these sites has also increased. Now, the question remains, how private is our private information on these sites? All the networking sites on the internet require users to share their personal details ensuring that their information would be kept safe. However, with this assurance comes the condition that the information can be shared for the security purposes. This means that every individual that uses these sites is being watched by the security agencies every time. In addition, the information is vulnerable to be hacked and misused. According to Consumer reports magazine 2010, one fourth of the Facebook users are not aware of the site’s privacy policy, and 9 percent of them reported forms of online expl oitation, the major one being, identity theft (Widerlund, 2010). ... It is a definite worrying point. People are of the view that popular networking sites such as Facebook earn their major chunk of revenue from marketing companies and, thus, sharing the users’ personal information with these companies is vital for them (Gaudin, 2010). Nevertheless, how right is this practice? Moreover, how long can this continue? This shall be discussed after every variable is taken into consideration. Although, the sites defend themselves by stating that the users are not reporting much issues and that the criticism is instigated by the competitors. In addition, that people are aware of the fact that when they come online, they do not expect their information to be 100 percent private. Moreover, these sites urge users to be active and smart in using these applications (Veer, 2011). Thus, the response of the social media is that they blame the propaganda and also the assumption of consumer awareness is taken as established. Still, questions need to be answered about the privacy in the chat messages, which are out of user control after they have been sent. No matter how much aware a user is, it is impossible to accept the fact that we cannot control our own personal space. Cell phones and privacy: When the question comes that if we would use a device, which can be carried along where ever we go, and which can be used to communicate in any way possible, our answer would rationally be, yes. But if it is further said that the device can also be used to track not only where we are, but also whatever we do and whoever we communicate with and however we communicate, the answer will be subjected to reservations. Well, to inform the readers, the device in question is none other than the cell

The Microsoft Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

The Microsoft Case - Essay Example The company was involved with zero marginal price deals with computer producers that brought stiff competition in the market because other companies would not meet this zero marginal price. According to the Kiang (2010), the company was illegally leveraging its monopoly power in the operating systems market by giving its applications programmers with unfair lead time. The company was involved a with license agreement in which conditions had minimum commitments that amounted to exclusive dealings by the monopolist. Moreover, the antirust behavior investigation was as a result of claims by Novell that the company was unlawfully trying DOS windows in the market. The Microsoft managed to hide some interfaces from third party applications software firms and it intentionally sent error messages to users of other software when users tried to use it in combination with Microsoft’s operating system. Finally, the investigation was carried because the company had bought Intuit Company that had a market share of 90 percent. However, the merger would take the market structure from being duopoly to a monopoly, but Microsoft Company abandoned plans from the merger several weeks after the suit was brought that led to investigation of antitrust behavior of the company in the market. By tying to purchase the Intuit Company that had largest shares in the market, I agree the company was trying to adopt the monopoly power in the computer software industry. The company wanted to be a price taker in the market that could result into imperfect competition over other firms in the industry (Mukherje, 2010). Meanwhile, the company option of zero marginal price to its manufacturers show that it wanted to gain the monopoly market structure due to its marginal revenue that are greater than marginal cost. According to Hall and Lieberman (2005), the demand curve of the monopoly company slopes downward because the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Gospel of jesus Christ II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Gospel of jesus Christ II - Essay Example For them, the day of the Lord is the arrival of a divine political figure that could protect their country. For them, Jesus would not offer a Jewish Kingdom. According to (Kereszty 97) â€Å"The angry reaction shows that Jesus was indeed known as a normal â€Å"ordinary guy† among his townsfolk† Jews did not want a King who was not a political leader because they wanted a geographical liberation from Israelites enemy which Jesus could not offer. When the wise men asked about the whereabouts of the King to Herod he was surprised and questioned his authority. For Jews, the Kingdom of God would come from a divine political figure and accepting a person outside this realm was taken with confusion, fear and despise. According to Kerestzy, the love of Jesus is a forgiving one this means his forgiving nature even to the enemies. But this forgiving love can have terrible consequences as Jesus was tortured and crucified by Jews. 2. Christian theologians had different views when it came to Christ as the systematic theologians believed in explicit theology while the commentators were on the side of the implicit theology. This belief of theologians had been creating a conflict as both had differences in interpreting the values expressed by Jesus Christ. Explicit theology is the public nature of the religion as in how the church practiced its rituals, sermons, mission, values and doctrines. It is more outwardly and identifiable. However the implicit theology is much more subtle and looks at the underlying concept in a religion. However, Balthasmer had a logical attitude towards both explicit and implicit theology as he suggested one cannot chose one to be right and other to be wrong. He was of the opinion that one need to balance on the divine aspects as the general will of God is salvation. He says that, Scriptures and Church tradition of faith can assert the fate of humanity. As per ( Catcheism)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

REPORT TASK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

REPORT TASK - Research Paper Example Furthermore, it has the capability to act as a remote control for the phone or certain cameras. As of today, the Pebble Smartwatch has over 1000 applications in its own Pebble app store. This innovative device marks a big stepping stone in today’s engineering technology. Many companies always discover new ideas and gimmicks to sell products, and also try to invent new systems that are compatible with other devices such as Bluetooth control and media servers among others. Pebble watch is a manifestation of an original and creative idea in innovation and merging of technologies. The Pebble Watch’s design is based on a concept by Eric Migicovsky. Eric, a Canadian engineer, is one of the leading inventors below 35 years today. Story behind the watch’s invention goes that Eric loves cycling. Besides that, the designer loved smart electronic devices. While cycling, his smartphone would either ring or vibrate inside his pocket, necessitating him to temporarily abort his wheeling only to check the phone. Bored with such disturbance, Eric decided to design a smart wristwatch that can be wirelessly linked to a smartphone. While in his dorm room, Eric gathered a few electronic parts and assembled a prototype that would later become one of the greatest inventions in wristwatch technology. Pebble watch is not the only island in the ocean of smartwatches. In the recent past, leading electronic companies produced wrist watches installed with GPS features that can track distance during running exercises. This shows that inventors within the watch category are interested in developing wrist watches that can do more things than just tell time. Expectedly, Pebble watch can do a myriad of activities, some of which remain inconceivably associated with a small wristwatch. As acknowledged earlier, the watch supports approximately 1000 applications from various categories including entertainment, health and education.

Monday, September 23, 2019

LEGAL ASPECTS OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

LEGAL ASPECTS OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Licenses are valid for a particular period of time after which carrying out the business will be considered illegal. The licensee should periodically renew the license for them to continue being in operation. A restaurant license allows the prospective restaurateurs to operate within a certain locality; without the license, the business can be fined or closed down altogether(Knezevic and Assaf 392). Requirements for licenses and permits vary from state to state; the most common requirements include employer identification license, business license, foods and establishments permit, liquor license, and local permits. The Role of Small Business Administration in Restaurant Licensing The enactment of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 officially allowed Small Business Administration to license Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC) to help in managing and financing businesses in the United State of America (Pizam 23). The SBA’s Small Business Investment Companies progra m is still live and active and continues to license small businesses across the United States. Despite the criticisms, the Small Business Administration has greatly assisted small businesses to make steps in their development processes. Small Business Administration provides extensive information and links regarding obtaining a business license. Restaurant applicants can also check with their local government with their state offices for specific regulations; the SBA website provides all state licensing divisions to enable prospective restaurants with easy license (Sherry 54). Among the information contained in the SBA website include federal licenses and permits, state licenses and permits and tools that can help businesses to determine the types of licenses they need for particular types of business. Types of Licenses Necessary for Restaurant Operators in the USA Employer Identification Number Restaurant businesses require several employees to serve their customers. The servers ne ed to operate within the purview of law in order to avoid legal liabilities. This necessitates restaurant owners to have Employer Identification Numbers (EIN). Employer Identification Numbers are essential to the government and the International Reporting Standards for proper business identification and appropriate collection of taxes (Sherry 57). The government is supposed to collect taxes from the restaurants operators, business partners, and employees. The Employer Identification Number is issued within a particular state. Restaurant operators can apply for state EIN by mail, online or fax. The online application is accessed through visiting the IRS website. The period between application and issuance is usually between two and five weeks. Business license Operating a restaurant requires the owners to be in possession of the business license. The business licenses are state-regulated and they allow restaurant operators to run businesses within specified jurisdictions. The restaur ant that carry out any type of activities that the federal government monitor and regulate are required to have a federal business license. Federally monitored and regulated activities include sale of alcohol and transport of plant and animal products. The primary purpose of business licensing is to help the government control and monitor businesses in the states in order to avoid sprouting of illegal businesses (Baum 21). The restaurants must operate within the licensed activities, otherwise the operators will be

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The State of Affirmative Action in Michigan Essay Example for Free

The State of Affirmative Action in Michigan Essay The term affirmative action refers to positive steps taken for the purpose of giving members of minority groups (including women) increased representation in the workplace, education, and in business opportunities. The term was first used in Executive Order (EO) 11246 issued by then President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 to ensure that federal contractors were not discriminating against minority groups pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, it took another five years before the Secretary of Labor came out with Order #4 which contained the implementing guidelines for EO # 11246. In 1972, Revised Order #4 was issued by the Secretary of Labor to amend Order #4 and fully implement EO 11246. In order to carry out the revised order, directives were issued by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to bring colleges and universities under its coverage. Because the revised order already included women among the minority groups that should be â€Å"fully utilized,† the different institutions in the country, including colleges and universities, were required to set their â€Å"goals† and â€Å"timetables† for such full utilization of the so-called â€Å"protected classes† which by then included women (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Controversy followed the implementation of the revised order not only because of the inclusion of women under the minority groups but particularly when it came to the interpretation of the terms â€Å"goals† and â€Å"timetables.† Some quarters insisted that â€Å"goals† and â€Å"timetables† meant â€Å"quotas† which required institutions to employ gender and/or racial preferences in their employee selection. Others believed otherwise. They argued that a correct interpretation of EO 11246 would show that affirmative action did not actually mean using racial or gender preferences in the selection processes but merely increasing representation. In an essay entitled â€Å"Preferential Hiring,† Judith Jarvis Thomson supported the idea of preferences as a way of compensating for the discrimination that minorities suffered in the past. Thomas Nagel, on the other hand, in his â€Å"Equal Treatment and Compensatory Justice,† claimed that preferences could be a manner of achieving social good without necessarily being unfair and unjust to anybody. Their arguments were immediately contradicted by Lisa Newton who argued that if schools give preference to women and minorities, the â€Å"reverse discrimination [that inevitably results] violates the public equality which defines citizenship† (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). As the debate raged on how to go about giving more teaching posts to women and members of the minority groups, some colleges and universities took the initiative of increasing the presence of minority students in their student population. Unfortunately, one problem became immediately apparent: not enough minority students could obtain sufficient test scores or high school grades that would enable them to gain eligibility for college admission. To overcome the problem, some colleges and universities decided to change their criteria for admissions if only to accommodate minority students and achieve a better representation ratio in the process. This practice resulted to some white applicants being bumped off despite getting higher test scores than some minority students who were admitted. Consequently, charges of reverse discrimination were raised in many campuses nationwide, culminating to cases being filed in court (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). The University of Michigan was not spared from this chaotic situation. One such case was filed by Jennifer Gratz and Patrick Hamacher on October 14, 1977. They took the university to court for allegedly granting illegal preference to minority students in the undergraduate admissions. The case, which was ruled later by the District Court as a â€Å"class action lawsuit† in December of 1998, was initially scheduled for trial in May 1999 but was later postponed at a later date. The Center for Individual Rights represented the plaintiffs (York). The case filed by Gratz and Hamacher stemmed from their failure to obtain admission to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA). Gratz applied in 1995 while Hamacher filed his application in 1997. According to the complaint, although the college considered Hamacher as â€Å"within the qualified range† and Gratz as â€Å"well qualified,† they were denied admission in favor of minority students. Gratz and Hamacher claimed that the university used racial preference in its undergraduate admissions and violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (York). On October 16, 2000, twenty Fortune 500 companies which included 3M, Abbott Laboratories, Microsoft Corporation, and The Procter Gamble Company filed a joint amicus brief supporting the University of Michigan. In their brief, they stated that ethnic and racial diversity in institutions like the University of Michigan is vital not only in their efforts to put together a diverse workforce but also in their desire to hire workers from all backgrounds who have obtained their education in diverse environments. On January 15, 2003, President Bush made known his opinion on the case. According to his statement which was released by the Office of the Press Secretary, although he was supportive of racial diversity in colleges and universities, he did not approve of the method employed by the University of Michigan. He not only described its method as flawed but pronounced it a â€Å"quota system that unfairly rewards or penalizes perspective students, based solely on their race.† He further said that the university’s practice of granting minority students extra points (20 out of the needed 100 points for admission) is unconstitutional since under the system being observed in Michigan, a student gets only 12 points for obtaining a perfect score in SAT (York). In response, university president Mary Sue Coleman explained the university’s admission criteria which, according to her, were simply misunderstood by the president. She said that the university only allocated 12 points for the SAT score because the high school grades were given more value. Race and socioeconomic status were also among the factors considered, explaining that only one of these factors could get 20 points for a student. Another 16 points could be obtained by a student coming from the upper peninsula of Michigan, in consideration of geographic diversity. She continued on to state that other factors included in the criteria were â€Å"leadership, service, and life experiences† (York). On December 13, 2000, Honorable Patrick Duggan of the District Court of Michigan, ruled that the admissions policies adopted by the university during the years in question was indeed unconstitutional. However, he granted no remedy to the complainants. On June 23, 2003, the United States Supreme Court, after reviewing the case, ruled that the university policy violated the Equal Protection Clause because its use of race was â€Å"not narrowly tailored to achieve [its] asserted interest in diversity† (York). After the Supreme Court came out with its ruling, Ward Connerly, a black who formerly served as regent of the University of California immediately announced his intention to place a voter’s initiative on the ballot. Connerly also spearheaded the campaigns for the earlier ballot initiatives that ended minority preferences in the states of California (1997) and Washington (1998). He convinced Jennifer Gratz to spearhead the effort. Gratz organized the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative and by January 2005 was able to come up with more than 500,000 signatures. That number exceeded the 317,757 signatures needed to get the initiative on the ballot in 2006. After much controversy involving accusations of fraud, proposition 2 was finally placed on the ballot with election scheduled for November 7, 2006 (Vu). Proposition 2 won by a majority of 58% of the votes cast. As a result of that victory, 45 days after the election proposition 2 would take effect to bar affirmative action in employment, public education, and contracting. A CNN exit poll showed that in a state whose population is 14% black and 81% white, one out of every seven black voters and about 67% of the white voters signified their intention to put an end to affirmative action in Michigan. Opponents of the initiative, however, immediately filed a federal lawsuit which challenged the constitutionality of the measure. For her part, University of Michigan president Mary Sue Coleman expressed her intention to continue the fight for a diversified campus. Her exact words were: â€Å"I believe there are serious questions as to whether this initiative is lawful, particularly as it pertains to higher education. I have asked our attorneys for their full and undivided support in defending diversity at the University of Michigan† (Lewin). Unfortunately, on December 29, the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit decided against any delay in the implementation of Proposition 2. The result was a considerable drop in the admissions of minority students at the University of Michigan.             Works Cited Cinti, Dylan. â€Å"Leveling the Playing Field.† The Communicator. 11 September 2007.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   14 March 2008.   Lewin, Tamar. â€Å"Michigan Rejects Affirmative Action, and Backers Sue.† The New York   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Times. 9 November 2006. 14 March 2008. oref=slogin Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. â€Å"Affirmative Action.† 4 March 2005. 14 March 2008.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Vu, Pauline. â€Å"Affirmative action in Michigan ballot.† 29 August 2006.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   14 March 2008. York, Grace. â€Å"Affirmative Action In College Admission: Gratz and Hamacher/Grutter v.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Regents of the University of Michigan.† The University of Michigan Documents   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Center. 18 January 2008. 14 March 2008.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Terrorism And The Society

Terrorism And The Society HYPOTHESIS: Terrorism is a forceful and unlawful method to achieve the desired goal. Its sole motive is to overthrow the existing law and order machinery. It is a deliberate use of violence against civilians and armed personnel and the state. INTRODUCTION Before we get into Terrorism and its effects on Society, we must clearly understand what terrorism means. Terrorism isnt a new term, and though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history, it is still relatively hard to define. It has been described both, as a tactic and a strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. It is quite obvious that a lot depends on from whose point of view the term is being explained. Terrorism is often an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. Being asymmetric form of conflict, it is able to confer coercive power with many advantages of military force at a much lower cost. The small size and secretive nature of terrorist organizations are the reasons why they often offer opponents no clear organization to defend against or to deter. Terrorism has, in some cases, been a method to carry on a conflict without the opponent realizing the nature of the threat, mistaking terrorism for criminal activity. Due to these attributes, terrorism has become increasingly common among those pursuing extreme goals throughout the world. But despite its popularity, terrorism can be a vague and hazy concept. Terrorism is a criminal act that influences an audience beyond the immediate victim. The terrorists have a strategy. That is, to commit acts of violence that draws the attention of the local people, the government, and the world to their cause. The planning of their attacks is such as to obtain the greatest publicity and to choose targets that symbolize what they oppose. It is not the terrorist act itself that gives effectiveness to the act, but rather the public or governments reaction to the act. For example, in the 1972 Munich Olympics, the Black September Organization killed 11 Israelis. Even though the Israelis were the immediate victims, the true target was the estimated one billion people watching the event on television. There are three basic perspectives of terrorism, namely, the victims, the general publics, and the terrorists. The phrase one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter is a view that terrorists themselves would accept. They do not see themselves as evil. They believe themselves to be licensed soldiers, fighting for what they believe in, by whatever means possible. A victim of a terrorist act sees the terrorist as an offender, a felon, a criminal with no regard for human life. The general publics view is the most unstable. India has been affected more by terrorism than other countries. India has faced more significant terrorist attacks than most countries in recent times, and the attacks on the Mumbai commuter rail system makes the fact clear that the threat of terrorism still persists. India, like other countries, has responded by enacting special antiterrorism laws. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the attacks soon thereafter on the Jammu Kashmir Assembly and the Indian Parliament buildings, India enacted the Prevention of Terrorism Act of 2002 (POTA). POTA incorporated many of the provisions found the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act of 1985, an earlier law that remained in effect until 1995. While POTA was potentially repealed in 2004, cases pending at the time of repeal have proceeded. The government has preserved some of POTAs key provisions by reenacting them as amendments to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act of 1967. Some of the commonly agreed characteristics of a terrorist movement are: 1) Violence 2) Psychological impact and fear 3) Perpetrated for a political goal 4) Deliberate targeting of non-combatants 5) Unlawfulness or legitimacy REVIEW OF LITERATURE Colonial Continuities: Human Rights, Terrorism and Security Laws in India is an article written by Anil Kalhan. It examines Indias anti-terrorism and other security laws. POTA and other Indian antiterrorism laws have raised a host of human rights issues, some of which are similar to those raised by antiterrorism laws in other countries, including the United States. Such concerns include, overly broad and ambiguous definitions of terrorism that fail to satisfy the principle of legality. Global Terrorism and Major Indian Legislations as the name suggests is an article on terrorism that explains the meaning of global terrorism and how the Indian Government is trying to fight against terrorism by making laws etc. It examines how effectively provisions in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 can deal with offences related to global terrorism. From Socio-economic imbalance to Terrorism-The Case of North East India is an article written by Siddhartha Mitra. It sheds light on the causation that has led to the association between high incidence of terrorist activity and the low level of affluence in the North East region. An imbalance is also created by the high level of literacy which facilitates the creation of discontented politically motivated terrorist groups as a reaction to the mentioned outcomes. OBJECTIVE The series of bomb-blasts in India, (Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Mumbai and now Pune) and the less publicized killings in Kashmir, Orissa, Assam, Gujarat, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, seems to be part of a pre-planned and calculated program of terror-generation by various fundamentalist groups. These disruptive forces must be resisted and while standing united as Indians, we should think of strategies and tactics for promoting peace and eliminating terrorism from India.. With this intention, I am attempting to elicit, compile and analyse peoples views and ideas on how best to deal with this imminent threat. My objective is to create a useful document that will reflect the perceptions of citizens on the causes of terrorism and the concrete steps required to be taken to promote peace. SURVEY The people answering the questions preferred to remain anonymous, I have interviewed eight people, asking them FIVE basic questions, being: 1. How can we fight against Terrorism? 2. Is the government in denial about Terrorism in India? 3. Do we all agree that Terrorism is he outcome of Religious Teachings? 4. How can we stop Terrorism? 5. Does our country need strong laws to fight terrorism? 1.HOW CAN WE FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM? 1.The government should start a separate department like the CBI and the Defense and President of India should control this department. This department should have all the powers to arrest anybody who is a suspect. Media should be kept away from this department so that media leaks no information. And common man should not fear these attacks, it is easy to say but following is not easy. 2. A fight against terrorism can be combated only by developing a collective conscience of religious tolerance and a focus on human rights conscience 3.Make every body educated from childhood that terrorism will never lead to any solution. 4. 1) By countering and prevention of attacks or possible attacks by force when and where possible to the maximum extent. As terrorists by nature are afraid and they are trying to use their fear for work for them. Enlighten their fear to an extend that they would think twice before they take up weapons 2)By opening ways of peace at the same time and trying to find a solution for the future if possible, but then again this is a game not of today but the future. This requires planning. A well planned and well executed operation of peace or war seldom fail. 4) Provide social security and livelihood means to the youth of the country so that they do not take up anti-nationalism as a means fro daily bread. 5) Educate people, for a well-educated person is less likely to be fooled by the utopian ideas of terrorist campaigners. 5. First foremost we have to possess a full fledged anti terrorist mind within ourselves. Where ever whenever we find any small activity of terrorism we have to raise our voice against it together, not alone create a fear in the evil minds devil terrorists instead of being scared of their killing attitude activities. This can only be possible if we stand united with full support of police govt. administration. To stop any such unsocial activities the whole country has to protest together put an end to TERRORISM. 6. By eradicating the differences of castes, creeds, community, reservations, unemployment etc. from the society and by educating the youth about the self esteem, self-reliance, self-motivation, self-sufficiency, etc. 7. Educating one all, then spreading awareness with providing financial security to every one, we can definitely remove terrorism. 8. Terrorism is a problem and any problem can be finished if we identify its root and act on it. So far no one is able to achieve this because all of us are acting on Terrorism with a motive to kill the terrorist but this may be impossible. In fact we should find the cause for why are people joining the terror outfits and should solve their resentments. Terrorism should in fact be solved with talks and not weapons. They attack us and then we do and then do it again and the cycle goes on. So blood with blood is not the solution. 2.IS THE GOVERNMENT IN DENIAL ABOUT TERRORISM IN INDIA? 1. The Government is always in denial mood about terrorism. The politicians are utilizing terrorism for their political benefit. So for them it can be defined as agitation to facilitate their purpose of winning seats and form Govt. Long live Terrorism but deny that those are within the purview of terrorism so long they help to retain political power this is the mood of the Government. It is clear from their activities. 2. Yes, as it could be seen by the fact that even after repeated terrorist attacks in Hyderabad, the Central Government has not finalized or even initialized a pan India Law dealing with such stupid acts. Also there is a desperate need for a more efficient Intelligence Agency. 3. This government is not at all serious about the terrorism. They dont want to implement any good laws against the terrorist and also removed POTA. This indicates the bad game played by this government behind the scenes. 4. No. Rather Government has set up anti-terrorist squads across the country in strategic fields. In Police, Military everywhere theyve these squads working. Further, what about Laws? Our Indian parliament passed many laws to deal with the situations. India is one of those countries, which are facing terrorism. 5. The Government is not in denial about terrorism. It has shown great activeness in the Kashmir issue. But the real thing is that the government is ignoring the maintenance of a spy system. 6. No. It is rather in a state of blissful ignorance. They know very well that the threat of terrorism is real and has been here for a long time. What the government doesnt know now is that the general public is getting wise to this. They still peddle clichà ©d responses to such attacks in the belief that we, the new age Indian Citizens, are not aware of the reality. Vote bank politics is the prime culprit if you ask me. Everything in this country is being given the colour and shape of communalism and minority bashing. If loss of so many lives in recent times is not enough for the mandarins and politicos to kick into action, I only wonder what will be. The mere thought of it gives me a shudder. 7. Yes, I thoroughly believe that Indian politics is not taking ample measures to correct the state of terrorism in the country. We always think that North East is the worst affected area but the bigger picture that we are neglecting is the expansion of the red corridor. Yes, its the Naxalism that is now affecting India from within India. Other than the terrorism from outside, see the condition of the states of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. Our government is more busy on fighting over petty issues with Pakistan while they are not monitoring the internal insecurity and disrupt that is coming up strongly. 8. Government is doing their duty but still have to take some strong steps. 3.DO WE ALL AGREE THAT TERRORISM IS THE OUTCOME OF RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS? 1. Terrorism is nothing but ignorance of religion. 2. No religion teaches terrorism, but people practice terrorism in the name of religion 3. I strongly disagree that terrorism is the outcome of religious teaching, as every religion teaches peace and a way of making this world a better place to live. Terrorism is due to some corrupt people who use religion as their mask. 4. No, I do not agree fully. Religious fanaticism could be one of the factors of terrorism but there are other factors as well. Now almost all backward tribes are coming up with their legitimate demands that their lands be returned to them and getting no positive response, the youth took to Arms. The creation of ULFA was also on the similar note. This is not an unknown fact that the entire North East Region has been being treated with the step motherly attitude and negligence from the Center. There is a limit of everything. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Secondly Governments failure to tackle the unemployment problem also added to the woes. Like this there are numerous causes that Terrorism finally got a shape and the blame goes to the ruling Govt. 5. It is not religion. It is power. Religion is just a reason behind the terrorism, No religion in this world preaches terrorism. Terrorists are just preaching their religion known to be terrorism. 6. No. Though it seems so, it is not so. No religion teaches hatred for other human beings. No religion teaches terrorism. All the religions teach love and brotherhood. 7. Actually terrorism should not be compared with any religion because terrorism has no religions. Terrorists do not believe in any religion but they just take the name of religion and do all terrorists activities everywhere. Hindu 8. This is one of many independent factors. But, look at LTTE, Naxalists, and Maoists all politically motivated hence aiming at only police and administration. This is no justification. They still stand cruel. 4.HOW CAN WE STOP TERRRORISM? 1.Spread love. What is the reason of terror? I think it needs great research and work. There is a big need to understand basic grounds and cause for it. And yes, our legal and political system is very important for it. Timely action and justice is very important. 2. Everyone should be a paragon of virtue, an ambassador of goodwill and a mentor of humanity. Try to follow the adage Charity begins at home. If you can cleanse your personal atmosphere, proceed to a larger section, the society and the community. Then move on to the Nation. If everyone makes a simple enough attempt, the society can be free of terrorism. 3. Government has to give police and defense forces more power. Separate department should be there which monitors only terrorists and their activities. This action force will only attend the cases, which are related to terrorism and stop the terror in the country. This body will be only controlled by the President of India and Chief Justice of Supreme court, no other MPs or ruling party has any say to this department. In this way one can bring down the terrorism to some extent. 4. There should not be any leniency towards these terrorist out laws and our security forces are to be given a free hand to engage them, and destroy them, for the crores of peaceful citizens of India to live safely without any fear. There should not be any political interference in this matter. 5. By not indulging politics religion in the fundamental book of law. 6. Empower and educate people. Create more potent terror laws. Involve the media 7. Terrorism can be stopped by public awareness as well applying POTA. 8. Monitoring these groups closely for signs of illegal activity. 5.DOES OUR COUNTRY NEED STRONG LAWS TO FIGHT TERRORISM? 1.Our Law is already powerful. Anyhow, we have to seal the holes in it. The terrorism problem is not only in India, its happened all over the World. Its against mankind. So we need strictly different approaches to eradicate this evil 2. Yes it does. 3. Stronger anti-terror measures are needed to combat homegrown militants. 4. We do not need a MISA, TADA or POTA. They are inhuman in nature. The present laws if used properly can deal with terrorism. 5. The existing laws are good enough. The problem is with the entire system. There has to be unbiased people working in our police, intelligence and defence department without a political agenda and without their own religious beliefs coming in the way of dealing with terror. Then and only then will we be able to wipe terrorism out, else we will push innocent victims towards terrorism. 6. We have very strong laws, but all the citizens and specially politicians must be faithful to the Nation to help solve the problem. 7. No. We do not require any more laws. Law cannot control terrorism. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Instead it can be developed by better discipline. If you and me start to follow discipline, the question of TERROR will not appear à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨in the minds of the people 8.Yes, we do need strong laws to fight terrorism. ANALYSIS, INTERPRETATION AND REMEDIAL MEASURES. From the above Survey we find, Terrorism is a great threat to our society in general. Different people have different opinions as to the ways in which terrorism can be countered. Everyone agrees that the law is essential to help control terrorism. Some believe that the existing laws are good enough as long as the Government does its duty and implements them properly, while others are of the opinion that stronger laws are required to fight terrorism. In the present day and age, people are aware that religion isnt the CAUSE of terrorism. It is merely an excuse used by the terrorists. Many blame the corrupt practices of the government and other powerful persons for the rise in terrorist activities. The negligence and suffering experienced by the terrorists in their childhood, or even later in in life have, in the opinions of some people, lead them to commit such evils. Terrorism poses a great threat to the law and order machinery of the state and leads to disintegration of society. The incidence of torture, extortion, murder, arson, kidnapping and mutilation, create an atmosphere of panic, fear and suspicion. Terrorists kill innocent, unarmed civilians. Life becomes uncertain. Violence and organized crime cause social disharmony. There is an end to economic development and heavy expenditure has to be made by the government to meet the challenges of terrorism. Facets of society, from freedom of religious expression to physical and political control over a region, are sought to be changed by terrorists. However, differences between societies results in different definitions of terrorism and great differences in characterizations of groups or individuals as terrorists. The pain, terror and sadness, the whole impact of terrorism has been difficult for people living around it and has invoked governments to raise their efforts to control terrorism. After the terrorist attacks in Mumbai in 2008, Indian Spiritual Guru, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said, This terrorist attack has left Indians in the grip of fear and anxiety. In this situation, religious and political leaders need to show the country that we stand together against terrorism. In order to remedy terrorism, we must inculcate a broader perspective of life, more than race, religion or nationality. We must educate people in human values of friendliness, compassion, cooperation and upliftment. We must help cultivate confidence in achieving noble aims by peaceful and non-violent means and we must create spiritual upliftment that will help weed out destructive tendencies. Along with this, the government needs to be proactive, there is a need for collective public safety and security measures, stringent action has to be taken by the enforcement agencies, there is need for an apex body to collect, coordinate and analyze data and there is also need for a timely, actionable intelligence which can be provided by HUMINT. All this will not be possible without winning the public support to combat terrorism effectively. Terrorism is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism is thus a forceful and unlawful method to achieve the desired goal. Its sole objective is to overthrow the existing law and order machinery. It is a deliberate use of violence against the civilians and armed personnel and the state. JUDICIAL RESPONSE TO TERRORISM IN INDA The Indian judiciary has been sensitive to the debate regarding the definition of Terrorist Activity. A pragmatic approach has been taken by the court to ascertain the elements of terrorism from the act allegedly committed by the accused, rather than going deep into a debate on what the exact definition of terrorism is. Even while public opinion was strongly against specialized statutes for tackling terrorism and the strong provisions of these statutes, the courts continuously upheld its constitutional validity, suggesting only some checks and balances. On the whole it can be summed up that Indian judiciary was an active partner in the countrys war against terrorism and has at all occasions risen above political and academic concerns to address the real issue of terrorism. CONCLUSION Since Independence in 1947, India has been the victim of various insurgencies and terrorism. The magnitude of attacks and their impacts have only increased over the years. Under these circumstances there is a need to include certain provisions to deal strongly and effectively with this issue in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the other major legislations like the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Incorporation of a separate chapter in the Indian Penal Code that defines terrorism and other related offences could be a great step forward. Stringent and deterrent punishment could also be prescribed for such offences. The National Investigative Agency (NIA) Act, 2008 and the Prevention of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act 2008 are two effective legislations in this regard. One way of preventing these terrorist acts can be by reorganizing the entire Indian intelligence set up along the lines that the United States has done in the wake of the September 11 terror attacks. Thus, I conclude my paper on Terrorism and Society with what the Honourable Supreme Court of India, in Mohd. Khalid v. State of West Bengal observed. That is: Terrorism is one of the manifestations of increased lawlessness and cult of violence. Violence and crime constitute a threat to an established order and are a revolt against a civilized society. Terrorism has not been defined under TADA nor is it possible to give a precise definition of terrorism or lay down what constitutes terrorism. It may be possible to describe it as use of violence when its most important result is not merely the physical and mental damage of the victim but the prolonged psychological effect it produces or has the potential of producing on the society as a whole. There may be death, injury, or destruction of property or even deprivation of individual liberty in the process but the extent and reach of the intended terrorist activity travels beyond the effect of an ordinary crime capable of being punished under the ordinary penal law of the land and its main objective is to overawe the Government or disturb the harmony of the society or terrorize people and the society and not only those directly assaulted, with a view to disturb the even tempo, peace and tranquility of the society and create a sense of fear and insecurity.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Kids Essay -- essays research papers

Today teenagers wear different styles of clothing to express their personality. All high school students subject themselves to this wild time in their life. Many kids want to fit in with a click or gang, or just want to change friends. A teens unique character and individual style of dress sets them apart from all other kids.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Prep clique contains the students that everybody's parents love. They show off expensive clothes, the type of clothes that a polo player wears. This consists of the striped Ralph Lauren shirt with the classic beige khaki pants. For decoration, they put on the big gold rings and the intelligent looking glasses. To top it all off they model patterned socks with brown shoes and they load on the cologne. The snobby attitude and cocky strut set the preps apart from all other groups of kids. Then the fact that they tend to stick their nose up at people unlike them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kids called punks dress with their favorite punk rock tee shirt like Dead Kennedies, Catch 22, and Bouncing Souls. In addition, the punks wear big baggy pants with Airwalk shoes. Punks, commonly called groupies by the bands they follow around religiously. Punks pierce their bodies in outrageous places like in their tongue, eyebrow, and nose. Their crazy colored hair changes weekly. Kids like this use foul, dirty language that they pick up from their style of punk rock music. Punks tend to go through school with a laid back attitude a...

Sin and Humanity Essay -- The Scarlet Letter Novels Essays

Sin and Humanity In most novels, old and new, a few general themes can be interpreted. The Scarlet Letter is a novel filled with many contrasting themes. The most prominent theme in the book is that of the many sides of sin. Through the book it is shown that sin is inescapable, un-confessed sin destroys souls, and that there can be different types of sin. Although there are many more themes in The Scarlet Letter, these are most prominent. When stripped to basics there are only two reasons for sin. Love and Hate. These are the only two reasons sin is committed. Although these are rather broad feelings in the spectrum of human emotion, these two emotions seem to control all others. In The Scarlet Letter, this idea of sin is made clear. Sin is portrayed by love and hate. For instance, one of the major parts of the plot is the fact that Hester and Dimmesdale commit ery. This sin wasn’t about hate. It was purely about love. Although this sin is one of love, it doesn’t seem to be and easier to bear by the couple. Another sin of love is the defiance of an entire religion for someone you love. Dimmesdale shows this as he confesses in front of the town. Along with the sin of ery, the book shows a great example of a sin of hate. Chillingworth seems to embody this sin. He is even referred to as the black man (devil). As if a reference to the Devil was bad enough, he was described as having a â€Å"crooked† hunch. Which only translates to his â€Å"Crooked† soul. Over the course of th...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The SPAMEX system. :: Computer Science

The SPAMEX system. 1. Introduction The SPAMEX system proposed by SCABB is outlined in the attached letter. I hope to suggest a suitable software process model for the development of the SPAMEX system in the following document. 2. The 'Waterfall' Model The waterfall model consists of several stages of the development life-cycle, each of which are completed in turn. The first stage in applying this model to the development of the SPAMEX system would be to document the system concept and identify the system requirements. After analysing these requirements, one would break the system into pieces, for example; TIP user interface, customer database etc. Each of these components (or subsystems) now require detailed design before the coding can take place. After each of the components has been tested and debugged individually, they can be integrated to form part of the whole SPAMEX system. The system as a whole can now be tested and deployed although requiring ongoing maintenance. The waterfall model was the first of its kind and is still widely used. It allows documented evidence of progress as each stage must be approved and 'signed off' before the next stage is undertaken. This should appeal to SCABB since they have access to these documents and can track the progress of the development of their software. It would also benefit the project manager, who would be able to ensure consistency in the quality of the software and manage accordingly his investments in time and money. The model also allows the various stages of the development to be overlapped in accordance with the wishes of SCABB. This is particularly useful in this case as the current brief presented by SCABB is not to the detail required by the developer. Further meetings between both parties would be essential and ongoing changes in requirements will be inevitable. However, such iterations are not possible without significant investments in time and money from both the developer and SCABB. As we can see, one of the main characteristics of the waterfall model is that commitments be made for each stage early on and each one must be completed and 'signed off' before the next is undertaken. Many problems may arise from this when applied to the SPAMEX system. For example, instability and other coding problems may not be discovered until the testing of the whole system. In such cases re-design may be required, which is very problematic because from the very beginning, this model assumes feasibility before implementation. The waterfall model works well when requirements are stable and well defined, the present SPAMEX brief is somewhat vague and specific details may only be attained through extensive client-developer interaction.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Killings vs. in the Bedroom

After reading the story â€Å"Killings† by Andre Dubus and watching the movie â€Å"In the Bedroom,† there are several noticeable differences and a few similarities. Since the movie was derived from the short story, the plot is practically the same throughout. â€Å"Killings† is portrayed as a revenge story, whereas â€Å"In the Bedroom† it appears to be a love story. As the plot progresses we find out this is not the case at all. One of the biggest differences I saw between the two was the arrangement of the story.Dubus’ written version starts out in the middle at Frank’s funeral and the movie starts the story from the beginning with Frank and his lover Mary Ann (Natalie) running in a field. The film gives you more of a sense of the characters, their emotions, and the relationships they share with one another, while the written story gives you the view from Matt’s perspective only. The movie showed a lot more of the background details such as: the father-son bond between Matt and Frank, and the loving bond between Frank and Mary Ann.The story proceeded to show more of Matt’s feelings and internal thoughts on a different level then the film, which displayed very little interaction between him and his son in their lifetime. â€Å"It seemed to Matt that from the time Mary Ann called weeping to tell him until now, a Saturday night in september, sitting in the car with Willis, parked beside Strout’s car, waiting for the bar to close, that he had not so much moved through his life as wandered through it, his spirit like a dazed body bumping into furniture and corners. He had always been a fearful father; when his children were young. t the start of each summer he though of them drowning in a pond or the sea, and he was relieved when he came home in the evening and they were there; usually that relief was his only acknowledgment of his fear, which he never spoke of , and which he controlled within his he art† (100). Another difference that made the movie more personal was by not having Frank’s older brother figure that we read about in the story at the funeral. The movie showed the viewer the connection that they had as a father and a son that the story didn’t portray.Another difference that made the film more enjoyable was the hatred that was shown for Strout. The story didn’t give enough justice for how much the Fowler family really resented him. The moment in the movie when Ruth lays her eyes on him in the convenient store foreshadows the breakdown she had and the isolation she experienced. Ruth knowing that he is a free man that killed her son is something she couldn’t live with under any circumstances. The relationship that Mary Ann’s sons had with Frank in the movie was much stronger than in the book. This partly labels Frank as a hero and makes Strout look like even more of a bad person.In my opinion, One of the best scenes in the movi e was when one of the boys that Frank and Matt took fishing rode his bike down to the docks to see Matt and they just stared at each other with a burning look. This scene wasn’t talked about in the story, however it gave you a view of the actual killing scene. In the book, Strout shot Frank in front of his two sons. â€Å"Richard Strout shot Frank in front of the boys. They were sitting on the living room floor watching television, Frank sitting on the couch, and Mary Ann just returning from the kitchen with a tray of Sandwiches.Strout came in the front door and shot Frank twice in the chest and once in the face with a 9 mm automatic. Then he looked at the boys and Mary Ann, and went home to wait for the police† (100). He shot him in rage without any hesitation. This proves to the reader how much of a terrible, heartless person that he was, but the movie was not able to display such rage. The movie, however, does a great job of telling a clear story from start to finis h without interruptions. It made the makeup of the story so much more powerful.This gives the reader time to establish Frank as the main character that he is. Throughout the story, whether it be the written version or the movie, you really began to understand the love that has not only been lost, but the love that was left behind as the story comes to an end. Overall, love was a major theme in both of these stories, no matter how you look at it. Frank’s life was over much earlier than expected because of love and envy. In the end, Strout was killed because of the love that will never be forgotten between a father and son, and even between a husband and wife.A strong meaning was conveyed when Matt was unsure about not being able to be alone with Strout for that long of a time. He couldn’t stand the thought of being so close to this man that he had so much hatred for. Both of the killing scenes were portrayed in different ways. In my opinion, Matt killed Strout better in the movie than in the book. In the movie, Strout wasn’t trying to escape when Matt shot him. In the story he tried to run away from Matt. This gave Matt more of a justification for killing him. This showed the amount of hatred he had towards Strout, and even more of the endless love he had for his son.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Are leaders born or made ? Essay

There is no doubt that leaders develop their leadership skills through life learning experiences, training, coaching, mentoring and hardworking. Some people believe that leaders are born naturally intelligent, visionary, charismatic and able to articulate a plan and rally their teams around it. Yet there are others who says that leaders are both born and made naturally intelligent and extroverted people, enhanced with education, training and experience. We often hear the proverb â€Å"Born to lead†, but it does not mean that leaders are born only but not made, because to be a leader you must first be a follower, true leaders do not walk in the front, they simply follow the rest. Nature may have some influence on who a person becomes. It is the upbringing of a person which either makes him leader or a follower. I think leaders are born as well as are made, because one may have the ability to lead but not the experience and skills to be a leader and skills develop through the life learning experiences. We have many examples of born leaders as well as made leaders. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Martin Luther King were few of the leaders who make their way to be a leader through their dedication, hard work, experience, intelligence, qualities and skills. Then, there are some born leaders like Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H), Jesus, and Prophet Noah are few chosen leaders who lead people of their generation as well as still leading the generations of today. I think it all depends how one perceive about a leader, for me it does not matter that leader are made or born, what matters the most is how leaders develop their skills through their experiences and leadership is a lifetime learning activity. You are never done because there is always more to learn. There are always skills you need to improve.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Calveta Dining Services Essay

Calveta Dining Services, Inc.: Case Analysis Abstract Calveta Dining Services, Inc. was a $2 billion, privately held firm that managed food service operations for nearly 1,000 senior living facilities (SLFs) in the United States. It was built on Antonio Calveta’s passion for food and traditional family values. It made better food that was more nutritious for the residents of the SLFs whose current food budgets did not exceed. It also provided with not only higher-quality food but also more personalized service. Presently, Calveta Dining Services ran food services for 976 SLFs and employed 15,000 people. When Antonio retired from his 35 years of leadership, he named his eldest son, Frank, as the new CEO and was asked to double the company’s revenues within five years, of which 2 years have passed without any credible strategy adopted yet. He did not want to disturb the special company culture or risk their reputation for quality food services on the race to double the re venue. Now he finds it difficult to carry out his father’s directives. The humanistic and emphatically pro-employee company culture should not be disturbed while the growth strategy takes place. Currently, he is in a dilemma whether to expand beyond the SLF market and he is worried if he could continue to maintain the quality level, for which Calveta is renowned, in this process. Analysis In order to increase the revenue as promised to his father, Frank has to consider growth strategies for his organization. He has around three strategies in his mind and has to work on them to see which one brings the maximum benefit and fulfils his needs aptly. The strategies that he has in mind are either to continue in the existing situation itself or introduce it to the hospital segment. He also has thought of taking up Great Southwest Dining Service

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Project Plan Event Essay

Green Project plan draft 05-10-2010 Project proposal 1st version Monday 13 Sept Project proposal final version Monday 20 Sept Project plan – 1 version Tuesday 28 Sept Presentation in week 39 Project plan – final version Tuesday 5 Oct Production programme – 1 version Monday 11 Oct Production programme – final version Monday 18 Oct st st Number of time event will be held Date and place of event Number of visitors/participants Costs per person 1 22 and 23 of July 2011 Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam 2000 Friday Saturday â‚ ¬ 10,00 â‚ ¬ 15,00 nd rd Client Annelies de Bruine RIVM 0615279834 Deborah Hofste Project leader 0612120246 Juan Caceres Creative manager 065120404090 Rick Sam Production manager 0613265586 Anna Oosterling Financial manager 0612199242 Cathleen Verbond Marketing manager 0641145280 Project team 1 Table of content 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 Introduction Faya festivals Client Background Client‟s objective „‟GREEN Festival‟‟ Project plan Deviations 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 Project contents Structure plan Detailed plan Ambience Atmospheric Impression Production method 4 4 6 12 13 14 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Marketing and Communication Targets group Marketing plan Media SWOT-analysis Communication plan Fundraising plan 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Control aspects (QOFTIM) Quality Organization Facilities Time Information Money 20 20 21 22 24 26 28 Appendix 2 1. Introduction 1.1 Faya Events Faya Events is an upcoming festival management company currently working with 5 employees, each in their own field of expertise. We are all young adults, and we have a fresh outlook on your festival. Taking care of your festival from A to Z and to for fill your every need is our profession. Every phase at Faya Events contains a so called go, no go moment so we can keep you up to date and no steps are taken without your approval. 1.2 Client The client of the festival is the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, also known as RIVM. The RIVM has expertise about health, nutrition, nature and the environment. They investigate all those matters and want to share their knowledge with the rest of the world. The RIVM works mainly for the Dutch government. They especially work for 3 ministries: Health, Welfare and Sport; Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, and Agriculture, Nature Management and Food Quality. For this project Annelies de Bruine was asked by the RIVM to come up with a project to raise awareness for environmental problems. She had to find a way to endorse youngsters to live a more environmental friendly life. 1.3 Background The RIVM started in 1984. The Dutch government decided to combine 2 departments, the National Institute for Drinking Water Supply (RID) and the Institute for Waste Research (IVA). They took care of vaccinates, researched the Q-fever, advised the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism about how to react on a nuclear, chemical and biologic attack and monitors the current state of our environment. Nowadays, many youngsters don‟t know what the RIVM is and does. Annelies set up a short research on this target group (young adults between the age of 18 and 25) and used the advices of the communication advice company. The research showed that a popular place this target group meets is at festivals. The communication advice company then suggested organizing such a festival. Annelies has no experience with producing music festivals. She set up an assignment to come up and present a concept for a 2-day music festival. 1.4 Client’s objective The RIVM wants to activate youngsters to be good for the environment. Annelies de Bruine works for the RIVM. Their goal is to reach out to young people between the age of 18 and 25, in a way they can relate to. This is necessary to raise awareness for the consequences of global warming and pollution for them and their children so they will be endorsed to live more environmentally friendly. Young people need to know that they can have fun in a green way! The RIVM needs young people to stand up for their environment and take appropriate action. They have the future of our world in their hands. 1.5 â€Å"GREEN Festival† Faya events made a concept of a Festival which the RIVM totally relates to. The festival is going to present the values RIVM stands for. With use of all biodegradable and ecological products, workshops and performing artists, this festival is going to reach a lot of young adults, make them active and successfully fulfill the goal of the RIVM. 1.6 Project Plan This document is the project plan draft. It provides the client with an exact picture of the event. The project plan is a detailed version of the approved project proposal. It contains an extensive marketing plan, fundraising plan and communication plan. The project plan draft is the first document of the preparation phase. The preparation is the phase of that focuses on the planning or development of a design. After approving the final version of the project plan, the event will step into the production phase. The comments of the project proposal will be adjusted in the project plan. The wishes/changes of the RIVM are improved in the project plan. 1.7 Deviations Unlike the project proposal, the project plan contains more information about workshops and how to interact with the visitor. The finances are extended in the Project Plan. 3 2. 2.1 Project contents Structure plan Concept The concept is to reach out to young adults between the age of 18 and 25 in a way they can relate to being environmentally friendly. By reaching out and raising awareness of the consequences of global warming and pollution the target group will be endorsed to live more environmentally friendly. This concept brings environment friendly companies, artists and music lovers in one place where the thought is being green while having fun and listening to music. Image and Theme To persuade youngsters to live more environmentally friendly the image and theme of the festival will be: Green (environmentally friendly) o Will reflect the meaning of being environmentally friendly and the reason the whole event is based on. Fun o Will reflect the party and enjoyment of the visitors of the festival. – With prolonged exposure to a green and fun environment, the visitors of the festival will be more open to be environmentally friendly. By trying to change the thought of being green is silly and expensive, youngsters may develop a comprehensive understanding of being environmentally friendly and will see the positive factors of this festival. Message The message is live more environmentally friendly in this world. Holland is informed, but does not really do something to improve the environment they live in. The message brings people back to a few hundred years ago when people lived with a lot of green surrounding them. This is a good thing because then they will appreciate what they have in their surroundings. As a result, young adults will become more aware and endorsing to see things in a positive way and make them being greener. Objectives Our objectives are: – Create awareness of the environment before, during and after the festival – Obtain a 2% growth of energy sa ving products by the festival before the end of 2011 – To grow 15% in the upcoming 5 years as a festival. By having a bigger location, more artist and more visitors Wecycle, Workshops and GREEN test Wecycle is a way of recycling your old electronic products. This sort of recycling will be done during the festival. For every one or two electronic products the visitors bring to the festival they will receive a free consumption for drinks or food. 4 There will be two workshops one for woman and one for men. For woman it will consist on a make-up workshop and for men a shaving workshop. For this we choose Rituals to do the workshop and supply their products, because their products are environmentally friendly and biological. The GREEN test will be named „‟How green are you?‟‟. The winners of the test will win some amazing prices such as bikes. Line-up Headliners Friday July 22 nd Friday will be the party night. We want to schedule two famous artist and one smaller artist. In the timetable above are the artists shown in red and the times are an indication of the programming. The blue parts are the times at which the DJ is going to play. The DJ will play party music such as dance, drum & bass and dub step, to keep an alive atmosphere in-between the performances of the artists. Boemklatsch Boemklatsch? Boem, klatsch, kick, snare. It‟s that simple. It‟s all about the beat with the Boemklatsch collective: a colorful, creative and exuberant group of friends who guarantee to tear the roof off any party, anywhere. Their reputation is growing across Europe for being ahead of the game in every form of uplifting electronic music and partying harder than the crowds they entertain. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: The Madd This quartet from Rotterdam (The Netherlands) knows how to keep a beat. They started out playing Beat -or rather ‘Biet’, as they say in Holland- in 2005. Sharply dressed and knowing their tongue-in-cheek humor, their sound evolved from the primitive sounding 60’s garage to well-arranged power pop songs, still influenced by a musical area that is far behind us, yet sounding modern, fresh and played with an urgency that is hard to f ind in today‟s pop music. The Madd had a top twenty hit single in Holland with rapper (!) Dio and played every major club and festival from the Lowlands festival to the Amsterdam Paradiso. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: Headliners Saturday July 23 rd Saturday is going to be the festival day. There will be a main stage and an outside area. At the main stage the artist performances are going to take place. We want to book three headliners for Saturday. Outside, a „ green‟ fashion show is going to take place. During the day you can shop for second hand clothes and buy food if you‟re hungry. We are going to create a lounge where people can relax on hay bales, watch movies in the atmosphere of a silent disco (the sounds of the movie will be coming out of headphones) and listen to a DJ playing music. In 3 areas, DJs are going to play. Main stage Outside Lounge Rock, Britpop, Indie Pop, top 40, mainstream R&B, Hiphop 5 C-mon & Kypski Eclectic visionaries C-Mon & Kypski proved themselves as genre-bending geniuses on their last album, Where the Wild Things Are, which Esquire Magazine fondly referred to as, â€Å"The hot shit in Europe right now.† 3 years later, and with extensive European and US touring under their belts, C-Mon & Kypski are back in the studio working their magic to shatter expectations and take their music to the next level with their upcoming release titled: â€Å"We Are Square†, scheduled for October 2009. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from:!/cmonandkypski?v=info Cancelation The Q4 and introducing Perquisite Because of the cancelation of The Q4 we decided to book a similar artist. This became Perquisite. The Q4 was previously booked to perform on the stage of GREEN but have announced on the 1 of October 2010 that they are quitting the live shows because of the difficulty of projecting their album „‟Sound Surroundings‟‟ to a live act. Arts The Beatdoctor one of the members of The Q4 has decided to leave the band to focus on his solo career. STW en Sense the remaining two members have decided to continue as a producing Dou. This is not the end of The Q4. st Retrieved October 1 , 2010, from: Source: Perquisite is a composer/producer in Amsterdam and started to create beats at age 14. In March of 2001 he started a record label called Unexpected Records. That same year he released his first 7-track EP  ¾Ã¢â‚¬Å¸Outta Nowhere‟‟. A year later he released his second EP „‟Double Vision‟‟. These releases came before he met MC Pete Philly with whom he became Pete Philly & Perquisite. The first result of this soulful coalition was the EP „‟Mindstate‟‟, which had its release in January 2004 on Unexpected Records. . Pete & Perq continued their collaboration and in march 2005 they released their 17track debut album „‟Mindstate‟‟, which was released all over Europe & Japan. In September 2007 their second album, „‟Mystery Repeats‟‟, was released in The Netherlands through Unexpected Records / ANTI. In May 2009, Perquisite was awarded with the so called ‘Duiveltje’ for Best Producer of The Netherlands. The award is handed out once a year by the Dutch Music Society (MCN) and is voted for by Dutch musicians. End of 2009 Pete Philly & Perquisite decided to go into their separate ways. Right now Perquisite is working on the debut album by Dutch singer Urita, as well as preparing the release of th his official solo debut album which will be released October 18 2010. st Retrieved October 1 , 2010, from: Source: Go back to the zoo Go Back to the Zoo is an Amsterdam-based band. Brothers Teun (guitar) and Cas (vocals) had been playing together since they were little kids, when one day they decided they needed a drummer. They called their friend Bram and told him the good news, and so Bram became the drummer. A while later they met a nice guy while standing in the waiting line for a Strokes concert. His name was Lars, and Cas, Teun and Bram decided that Lars should be the bass player. Lars, who had never touched a bass guitar in his life, liked the idea and started practicing like crazy. And so Go Back to the Zoo was born. From that moment on they have been writing songs in a dusty old cellar (that also stored a collection of mounted animals). All across the Netherlands Go Back to the Zoo performed their songs, and all across the Netherlands the people liked it. In 2008 they recorded an EP with producer Torre Florim (De Staat), which got picked up by national radio. Their single „Beam me up‟ was used by Nike for a worldwide campaign and after that, things went quick. After their second single „Electric‟ became Megahit and entered the top ten charts on iTunes the band is ready for world domination. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: st 6 2.1 Detailed plan Location The location will be the Transformatorhuis at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. It is situated in the west side of Amsterdam. It has a terrace and a big inside to fit the visitors of the event due to his capacity of 1500 people. Detailed information: Address : Transformatorhuis Klà ¶nneplein 2 1014 DD Amsterdam 020 – 586 07 10 700 Phone number m2 : : On the image below you can see the outside of the Transformatorhuis and map wise where it is located. 7 Transportation „ Vehicle Car Direction From the south From the north – Route Visitors can take exit S 103 on the ring West (signposted to Haarlem and Halfweg) Then follow the signs to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right into the Haarlemmerweg Then turn right at the 5th traffic-light to park their car in Parking garage Westerpark They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal. Visitors can take exit S 104 on the Ring West (signposted to Haarlem) Then follow the signs to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right into the Haarlemmerweg Then turn right again at the 4th traffic-light to park their car in Parking garage Westerpark They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Bus 21 to Geuzenveld Stop Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Tram 10 to Van Hallstraat Stop Van Limburgstirumplein or Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Tram 12 to Nassaukade Stop Bos en Lommerweg Change to Bus 21 direction Central Station Stop Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Head to the north After 1.3 km go left and go to the Planciusstraat After 90 m go to the right to Haarlemmerplein After 0.7 km the visitor will arrive to the location Head to the north After 2.1 km go left and go to the Planciusstraat After 90 m go to the right to Haarlemmerplein After 0.7 km the visitor will arrive to the location Public Transportation From Central Station – From city center From Sloterdijk Station Bicycle From Central Station From city center 8 Set up outside Doors Stage Lounge Bar Stall Crowed barrier High black fence Decoration : : : : : : : : 1 to entrance the inside of the event 5x4x1m For DJ booth 4x5m This will have a silent lounge theme with headphones 3x1m For drinks 2x1m 2x1m 1x2x1m All around the place from the bar till the stage and lounge This will be references to being green and environmentally friendly The specific decoration will be put the company that we will hire This will be in detail in the production program. Energy saving and LED Lights : 9 Set up inside Doors : 1 visitor‟s entrance 2 Toilets 4 safety exit 6x9m For artist to perform 5x1m For drinks 4x1m To attend to wounds of the visitors 4x6m For the jackets and bags of the visitors 3x2m For coin sales 2x1m 2x1m All around the place from the bar till the stage. This will be references to being green and environmentally friendly The specific decoration will be put the company that we will hire This will be in detail in the production programme Energy saving and LED Stage Bar First Aid Wardrobe Coin locket Crowed barrier High black fence Decoration : : : : : : : : Lights : 10 Programming 11 2.2 Ambience Ambience The overall ambiance of the festival will be light, bright, friendly and fun. When a visitor enters the festival he/she will see the comfortable lounge tent placed outside. Inside this tent we use a silent disco theme to make you relax and enjoy your stay at the tent. Next to the tent visitors can get a drink at the outside bar and take a walk on the market with second hand shops. The feeling that the visitor will get when he/she steps inside the building is be warm and trusted. This is created with the lights that will be bright and colorful adapting to the music and give you the idea of wanting to move and have fun the entire day and night. With a space of 544m2 people will have enough space to move but not too much that it seems empty. The bar of the festival will have green lights to still give a hint that it‟s a green festival and that everything they see is environment friendly. When the visitor passes the security guards they will notice that the sy stem is careful and discrete to avoid problems for other visitors. There will not be a moment that the visitor will see the same colors as the colors change to interact with the theme of the festival and the way the visitor is enjoying his/her stay. The visitor will get involved actively and make them interact with the theme there will be wecycle, workshops and a test. Wecycle will be done by every one or two electronic products the visitor brings will give them a free consumption. There will be two workshops one for woman and one for men. For the woman it will consist of a make-up workshop with products of Rituals. For the men it will consist of a shaving workshop with products of Rituals. Finally there will be a test named „‟How green are you‟‟. The winners of the test will win some amazing prices such as bikes. From start to finish this festival will be a joyride for the visitor. From the outside music and lounge to the music inside the building, lights and the many new and interesting ways that he/she will be informed about green. This is a festival they don’t want to miss out or leave from. 12 2.3 Atmospheric Impression 13 2.4 Production method Product Stages Definition During â€Å"GREEN† there will be live performances from DJs and artists. There will be one stage outside and one stage for the inside. Lighting The LED-lighting equipment will be rented from or . Reason for rental is this is a 1-time-event. LEDpanels will be the background of the stage and these will make nice projections. The lighting also has to be set up that the artist(s) has to be clearly visible as well and also these lights will give a great overall effect. DJ‟s and bands will bring their own music equipment besides the sound system of course. The speakers will be placed on/around the stage that people further in the Transformatorhuis can still talk to each. Sound Lounge area The lounge area is outside. People can make use of the headphones (silent disco) these are to listen to the music while they are relaxing on a hay bale. Barriers will be used. This for the safety of the performers and the visitors as well. Next to the wardrobe, the first aid care will have space to attend. Barriers First Aid Staff The staff that will be working during „‟GREEN‟‟ will be experienced workers as we are going to work together with the agency „‟Randstad‟‟. A more detailed production information file will be found later during the development phase, in the production programme. 14 3. Marketing and communication 3.1 Targets Group The age of the main target group of the festival initially was 14 to 25. To avoid problems with under aged visitors and to spare costs for wristbands to indicate youngsters older than 18, the target group age has been raised from 14 up to 18 years old. Main Target Group Studying youngsters These boys or girls are finishing up their secondary education at VWO/Athenaeum level or following a postsecondary vocational college like MBO/HBO or studying at a University. Every month they receive student income education and housing costs. The room they live in is situated in a student house in a medium to large-size town such as Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden and Delft. They have a part-time/weekend job at a grocery shop like Albert Heijn or a cafà ©/bar/restaurant to fund their social life. In the weekends they go see a concert at a concert hall like Paradiso, a gig at a pop podium like Tivoli, party in a club like Hollywood or drink a beer in a regular cafà ©/bar. They travel from one place to another by public transport. With their free student train travel card they travel for free during the week or the weekends. About 60% has a driver‟s license but only 10% of them own a car. 99% of the students own a bike in one or two cities. Working youngsters These boys or girls graduated this year, last year, the year before or didn‟t go to a secondary vocational college. Only a few of them haven‟t got a full time job. Their income is estimated at 1300 Euros a month. Either they still live in a student house, just moved to a small apartment or bought/rented a house with their significant other. They still live in medium to large-scale towns like Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden and Delft to be close to their work office. In the weekends they go see a concert at a concert hall like Paradiso, a gig at a pop podium like Tivoli or a regular cafà ©/bar. They do not own a free student train travel card anymore and travel from place to another with their own car or a car borrowed from their mother and/or father. Sub Target Group Environmentalists These people have a job and a house of their own. Some of them still study but most of them don‟t. Their income is estimated at 1500/1700 euro‟s a month. These people have a little bit more to spend than the studying and the working youngsters. They often live around the city because it‟s cheaper than living in the center. In the weekends they try to be outside as much as they can, enjoying the few solar beams Holland has to offer. They think about pollution a lot and try not to waste anything. Secondary Target Group Second-hand shop owners These people are hard workers. They usually own a small store on a insignificant corner or street. They are almost never in a shopping mall or street. You‟d have to search in little alleyways or streets not in the neighbourhood of a shopping area. They usually do not make a lot of profit on their own, since not many people are interested in second hand clothing. 15 3.2 Marketing Plan To clarify the picture of the marketing plan, we use the marketing mix of the 5 P‟s. This will inform the client strategically about what plans we have and what steps we are going to take. Because of the fact that the plan has to be worked out in detail, there is a P added to the mix. This one is of great significance, since the th 5 P stands for personnel & partnerships. Product The two-day festival â€Å"Green.† The festival contains: – a chill lounge(Saturday) – a main stage provided with performing artists (DJ‟s, Friday) – a second-hand clothing fair(Saturday) – performing bands/ DJ‟s (Saturday) – Workshops (Saturday) The festival is supposed to make youngsters, between the age of 18 to 25, aware of their unhealthy way of life and helping them improve it by living green. Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. This venue will work out best, because of the large spaces in the several rooms. The terrain around the Westergasfabriek will also become of great convenience because the second day of the festival will require an outside area. The admission fee of the festival will differ per day. The admission fee for Friday will be â‚ ¬10,- and the fee for Saturdays‟ event will be â‚ ¬ 15,-. The price of the admission fee on Saturday is higher because of the bigger offer of facilities that day. Friday, whic h is the party day, the logos of our sponsors (RIVM, Greenpeace, Stichting Doen, SNS Reaal Fonds, Prins Bernhardt Cultuur Fonds, WNF and Rituals ) will be displayed on the frame of the stage. Further, their logos will be displayed on the T-shirts of the staff. Our sponsors‟ logos will be found across the event. Saturday will work the same way, more or less. The difference is that the fair is on Saturday, which means that our sponsors also have a stand. They will also be mentioned at the end of the fashion show. Since Greenpeace uses volunteers for their public work we agreed on the fact that Greenpeace is sending a handful of volunteers helping around the event. This will spare us money. We also benefit from the fact that these are Greenpeace volunteers and if anybody would understand our message and knows how to broadcast it, it‟s them. Signing up can be done at the website of Greenpeace. The sponsoring will happen in merchandise instead of money. This is because the sp onsors cannot outbid the government. WNF will provide us with bio-degradable cups and plates. Greenpeace is going to provide us with personnel(as mentioned before) and WNF is going to take care of the technicalities of the stage and the lighting within the Westergasfabriek. The stages will be powered by green energy (from WNF). Place Price Promotion Personnel & Partnerships 16 3.3 Media The promotion advancing the festival will be done by newspapers, television, mouth-to-mouth communication and refers from our sponsors to the festival. The newspapers Sp!ts and Metro already agreed on placing our advertisement for one month preliminary to the festival. Also TMF is dedicating an episode of â€Å"Kijk dit nou!† to living green as a youngster and will hand out two tickets in that episode. At the public channels, Nederland 1, 2 en 3 we will get a mini commercial, courtesy of the government. These commercial will be broadcasted one month advancing the event. 3FM will be our media partner in all of this. 3FM does so because they want to support our festival and (of most important) the message. Our cooperation is a match made in heaven. 3FM is a serious radio station but also very now and young (appealing to target group). Our festival shares the same profile. The cooperation will result in commercials about the festival in their show. They are also allowed to give a way 6 tickets and a big stand of 3fm will be placed at the fair. The 3FM website will be expanded with a separate page. This page will contain all the information about the festival. It will also provide our contact address for any questions our visitors might have. 3FM will be well represented throughout the whole event (their logo will also be displayed on the t-shirts of the personnel and on the frame of the stage). Their DJ‟s will get a bit of playtime and they will also make a report of the festival and broadcast it on their radio show the day after. Our press release media-partner is also 3fm. They are experienced in handling with the media and know how to make our event look good. 3.4 SWOT-analysis Positive Strengths – Clear internal communication – The project is innovative – Respect for one another – Project is environment friendly – We use dropbox – Network – Good cooperation Opportunities – Subsidies – Big main sponsors – Government and media will like the – concept – More people go green – If the visitors are happy with the festival there might be a sequel (maybe even a annual festival). Negative Weaknesses – We are inexperienced – Concept of the festival is relatively new – We have a low budget – Great click between our group could backfire Threats – Tight budget (green stuff is very expensive) – Weather – Concept might not attract target group – Other festivals happening round the same time – Acts aren‟t well received – Negative police interference 17 3.5 Communication Plan Our festival is about making youngsters between the age of 18 to 25 aware of our decreasing environment, and encourage their will to change that. Therefore spreading the word about our festival is of most importance. That‟s why a communication plan is made. It is a overview of the way we are presenting the festival, and with what message. This will make it easier for the client to understand how we are going to make this festival a well visited success. Communicati on A. Product target group Studying youngsters Learn something (be green) and have a good time doing it Have a good „green„ time and learn something Living green is not as hard and expensive as you think Living green is not as hard and expensive as you think You can have fun and still be doing it in the way you prefer; green. Direct marketing Advertisement Informal Circa 5 months in front of festival Circa 5 months in front of festival On the festival itself RIVM Email Internet Telephone Start living green Communication objective Communication Message Means of Communicatio n Style + Tone Frequency + Timing Sender Feedback opportunities Possible Return Service Working youngsters Direct marketing Advertisement informal RIVM Email Internet telephone Start living green Environmental ists A festival can be green Direct marketing Informal RIVM Email Internet Telephone Continue living green B. Fundraising target groups Environmental Try to let the organisation organisations Invest in the festival so the costs will stay low for us and therefore low for the costumers (tickets) Organisations who like to be associated to the festival (and it’s concept) Try to let the organisations invest in the festival so the costs will stay low for us and therefore low for the costumers (tickets) -The significance Direct of investing in marketing(com green projects by munication) organisations – Sponsoring events like these can increase their membership Formal Circa a year RIVM (10 months latest)prelimi nary to the festival Telephone and face 2 face Corporation sequel -The significance Direct of investing in marketing(com green projects by munication organisations – Sponsoring events like these can increase their membership Formal Circa a year (10 months latest) preliminary to the festival RIVM Telephone and face 2 face Corporation sequel Other Parties Second-hand shop owners Let them sell their clothes on the fair the second day of the festival. To let young adults to visit our festival A festival is a good place to sell your merchandise. Music is a good way to send out a message advertisement Informal/ formal 2/3 months to RIVM the event itself At the event itself RIVM Telephone email Artists Direct communicatio n Informal Face to face telephone 18 3.6 Fundraising plan Fundraising Target Group Fundraising Target Fundraising Message (Posibble Return Service) When to Apply When to Expect a Reaction Who Applies a. Subsidizers/Funds Stichting Doen Support our festival financially Associated with green/Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager SNS Reaal Fonds Support our festival financially Associated with green/Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Prins Bernhardt Cultuur Fonds Support our festival financially Associated with green/ Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Sponsors 3FM Support our festival in the media Associated with green/ support green living A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Greenpeace Support our festival by sending volunteers Supporting green living Ten months preliminary to the festival Nine months preliminary to the festival Nine months preliminary to the festival 10 months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Rituals Support our festival by handling the workshops Supporting green living Ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager WNF Support our festival by funding our biodegradable cups and plates Supporting green living A year preliminary to the festival Marketing manager 19 4. Control aspects (QOFTIM) 4.1 Quality Product Logo Quality The logo must have the pms colors 330 U en 152 U. Check On the computer the colors will be checked and when it is printed out there will be a pms fang next to it to check it to. Looking if the correct logo is put on Hyves/Facebook as well if the option to let everybody join as a member is chosen. Finally we check is the poll has the same questions as our survey. Hyves/Facebook There has to be a Hyves and a Facebook that will accept everyone that wants to join. This Hyves must content the same Logo as the campaign itself and a poll so people can answer the answers of the survey. The A4 paper for the letters must be „‟green paper white‟‟ of Viking with 90 grams of weight. Envelops must be „‟green envelops white‟‟ of Viking with 90 grams of weight and a format of 156 x 220 mm and a sealing. Everything printed will be done with print cartridges of Ecotone. During the entire campaign there will be a billboard promoting our festival. House style; Brief paper House style; envelops Will check by looking if the sample that is made has the A4 paper of Viking and weighting it. The sample‟s format will be measured and checked as will be the envelops if they are of good weight and correctly of the Viking material wanted. Print cartridge Everything printed will be done with print cartridges of Ecotone. Keeping contact with the person responsible that gives the assignment to change the billboards. By doing so we check if it really happens during the whole campaign. The day before there will be a check-up if everything is clean and ready for the event. CBS; Billboards Westergasfabriek/ Transformatorhuis Lights This is where the festival will take place and will be clean and organized. The lights be LED lighting. These lights are bright, can change colours and energy saving. The music will be for different type of music lovers so that everyone has their sort of music. Will be diverse to appeal to the target group. Will be diverse to appeal to the target group. This will be for the lounge room to create a soft atmosphere. Before hanging everything up the check will be done is the bolts are light saving and are of bright colours. Music There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they like and want to hear. DJ ´s There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they liked and want to see live. There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they liked and want to see live. Check all headphones to see if they work before of the event. (Stagelight) Bands Silent disco headphones 20 Staff This will be well experienced people to work at the event. The cups are fully biodegradable. The capacity of these cups is 200ml There will be a check of every person CV to check if the experience is real. These cups will be obtained from Bioware. This company is specialised in selling environment friendly products The beer trays also will be obtained from greenproduct-specialist Bioware Cups Beer trays These beer trays are fully biodegradable and can carry 6 drinking glasses. Trashcans will be spread out through the festival area. The cans are in groups of 3, each a different colour Trash cans 1 colour for biodegradable materials. 1 colour for foodleftovers and 1 more for all other kinds of garbage. By separating all types of garbage it can be deposed without hurting the environment Staff clothing The staff will be wearing biodegradable t-shirts. These will be printed with the logos of the sponsors. All the food which won‟t be sold will be donated to a charity so it won‟t be thrown away and wasted. This is possible as long the products are sealed and have an expiration date. Greengiving is a company which also is specialised in environment friendly products. This company sells and prints logos on the shirts. Food The food will be given to the food bank. Food bank gives food to people who can‟t afford to buy their own food. 4.2 Organisation 21 4.3 Facilities Venue plan The first and foremost reason for choosing the Westergasfabriek as festival location was because the buildings were in a way recycled. The Westergasfabriek, translated: The West Gas Factory, used to be a gas and coal producing factory up until the 60’s. With the discovery of natural gas in Slochteren the factory went out of business. Every building that was not destroyed became a monument and after being renovated let for cultural and musical purposes. The ambience of the whole area lies very much in line with that of the festival. At the Westergasfabriek we chose the Transformatorhuis as the particular venue. This is a building that can hold up to 2000 people and has an additional outside (terrace). The outside area will be used to ratify the outdoor green feeling while the inside will much more present the recycling theme. For a detailed overview of the layout of the inside as well as the outside see chapter 2. Project contents. Facility plan Space Audio equipment Equipment will be rented Stagelights. They will also do the set-up as well as the breaking down and manning the equipment. Light equipment Equipment will be rented Stagelights. A big part of the lights will be LED lights to save power. Stagelights will also do the set-up as well as the breaking down and manning the equipment. Bars Bars will be rented, installed and picked up by Inbev. Entertainers / artist Bookings will be done at the particular booking agencies. Barriers and fences Rented at Bakker Verhuur. Accessibility wheelchairs Venue is accessible for wheelchairs. Water Water connections are provided by the venue. Silent lounge headphones The Silent lounge headphones and DJ set will be hired at Onyx Entertainment. A more detailed explanation can be found in the budget 22 justification. The placement of the silent lounge at the outside area can be found in the outside overview in chapter 2. Project contents. Hay bales Hay bales will be bought through Rooms Cloakroom, dressing rooms, office room and toilets are provided by the venue. Buma/stemra Insurance & restrictions Amount of money that needs to be kept aside for the remunerations is estimated and explained in the budget justification. Sponsors An explanation of the sponsorships can be found in the marketing and communication chapter and in short in the budget justification. Services First Aid / EHBO EHBO personnel will be hired at See chapter 2. Project Contents for the placement of the service at the venue. Security Security personnel will be hired at Dutch Homeland Security. See the budget justification for a more detailed description of the deployment. Personnel Bar and catering personnel will be will be recruited and deployed by Randstad, HR Services. For short and simple work such as setting up stalls a couple of volunteers will be used. Any other services The toilets will be cleaned by the venue. Sewage disposal will be done by Van Vliet Groep. A more detailed explanation of the sewage disposal can be found in the budget justification. Communication Portofoons Portofoons are hired Flash Services. A more detailed explanation can be found in the budget justification. Legal plan The venue will provide the permit for the festival when the date is confirmed. The permit will be both for inside as well as outside. 23 4.4 Time Here you can read in detail every script from start to finish. Build Up Script Completion Script 24 Execution Script 25 4.5 Information How to provide information Who Client & executor Employees Faya Events What Questions about the event How Email / phone / meetings Responsible Client Annelies de Bruine Team manager Deborah Hofste Questions about their part of the event Email / phone / meeting with project manager Team manager Deborah Hofste Individual team members Documents event Dropbox Team members/Checked by Deborah Hofste Visitors before festival Knowing that the event takes place Advertisement / press Marketing Manager Cathleen Verbond Information about festival Website Creative manager Juan Caceres Questions about festival Website – > contact form Phone number on website Website: Creative Manager Juan Caceres Questions: Marketing Manager Cathleen Verbond Visitors on festival Where to find things? Information about the festival day What to do Signs on festival, employees who can answer the questions Creative Manager Juan Caceres Production Manager Rick Sam Staff on festival Event manager will have a meeting with all the employees before the festival starts With Porto phones they can contact the supervisor. Event manager Deborah Hofste Questions Porto: Production Manager Rick Sam Supervisor: Event Manager Deborah Hofste Volunteers Tasks They will be kept up to date by email. Signing up also by email. Meeting before festival starts. Email: Creative Manager Juan Caceres Meeting: Marketing manager Cathleen Verbond 26 Date determination In this chapter there will be looked at dates of other festivals in and around Amsterdam in June and July that can be a threat to the GREEN festival. There will also be looked at payout dates of financial allowances. This way a perfect date for the festival can be determined. Festivals June 2011 // Amsterdam Event Midzomerzaan Beeckesteijnpop Amerdam Roots Festival Holland Festival Festival Afrique-Carib It’s Festival Amserdam Date Festivals July 2011 // Amsterdam Event 03 untill 05 Sensation 11 Zingen op de Zaan 16 untill 19 Muziek & Meer 01 untill 23 Festival Lamere 25 untill 6 Julidans 23 untill 01 Over het IJ Festival Vondelpark openlucht A Day At The Park Festivals // Other Event Parkpop Lowlands Place Landgraaf Biddinghuizen 26 June 26 untill 28 August (date based on 2010) Oerol Parkpop North Sea Jazz Free Your Mind Zwarte Cross Festival Mundial Terschelling The Hague Rotterdam Arnhem Lichtenvoorde Leijpark Tilburg 17 untill 26 June 11, 12 & 13 June 8, 9 & 10 July 8 June (date based on 2010) 17, 18, 19 July (date based on 2010) 17,18 & 19 June (date based on 2010) Date 2 2 2 Date 01 untill 03 01 untill 14 07 untill 17 05 untill 28 23 27 Financial allowances 2011 Payment Study allowance May Study allowance June Study allowance July Salary Care allowance Holiday fee Date Tuesday 24 Friday 24 Friday 22 25 t/m end of month Around the 20 th th With May salary Westergasfabriek Fashionweek: 14 of July until the 18 of July Of all the weekends in June and July, the 22 and 23 of July looks like the perfect dates. Thought the financial allowances from June are probably already spend and the ones from July not paid out yet, the first th th two weekends have a lot of festivals going on. Therefor we suggest the 22 and 23 of July to be the dates for the GREEN festival. th th th th 4.6 Money Cost Revenue 28 Actual Budget This can be found in the appendix. Explanation Actual Budget 1000 Location Venue / Westergasfabriek The venue we are going to use is the so-called Tranformatorhuis with an additional outside place (see map QOFTIM: Facilities). Capacity of the venue is around 2000 people in and outside. Rent is fixed. All costs include cleaning at the end, management, administration costs and water (normal use). Excluded are consumption costs (such as electricity and gas) and taxes. The buildings are rented hull, without catering and technology. 2000 Primary activities Infrastructure / Bakker Verhuur, Bijleveld, Marktplaats High fences covered with black plastic will create the outside area including the entrance (see map QOFTIM: Facilities). At the entrance and in front of the Mainstage crowd barriers will be used to maintain a steady flow of people and damage prevention. The fences and crowd barriers will be rented at Michel Bijleveld. Hay bales will be bought through Sewage disposal / Van Vliet Groep 10 garbage bins will be distributed on the festival area. The bins will be rented at the Van Vliet Groep that collects the bins after the festival and recycles the trash. Communication: Portofoons / Flash Services Portofoons will be provided by Flash Services. Costs are calculated assuming we use 7 portofoons with 3 spares, 15 earphones, 2 extra batteries and 15 handies. Costs includes delivery, pick-up and insurance. Safety / Bakker Verhuur The outside area is usually not equipted with fire extinguishers. Three extra’s to cover the outside will be rented at Bakker Verhuur together with the stage parts, fences and barriers. 3000 Secondary activities Sound and light equipment / Stagelights LED lights: LED Ball: 25 x â‚ ¬10 = 250 LED Ball controller: 3 x â‚ ¬15 =45 Wallwasher LED: 20 x â‚ ¬30 =600 LED Octostrip: 104 x â‚ ¬7,50 = 780 LED Octostrip controller: 13 x â‚ ¬15 =195 LED Pinspot: 15 x â‚ ¬3,5 = 52,5 Other sound and light equipment costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman, financial manager of hiphop festival Roffest. The costs are based upon a basic set-up for a medium to large stage. 29 Onyx Entertainment silent lounge The lounge will be provided with 200 headphones usually used for a silent disco. There will be DJ set by pioneer available with two wireless stations. One station will use the output from the Mainstage, the second one will be used for interesting video‟s projected on the wall and stories people can listen to. Stages / Bakker Verhuur The Mainstage will be made using stage parts of 1 meter high, 2 meter long and 1 meter wide connected together by means of clamps. The outside stage will be made the same way. All the sides of the stages visible to visitors will be covered by black cloth. Stage parts and black cloth will be rented at Bakker Verhuur. Bands Boemklatsch C-Mon & Kypski The Q4 Mala Vita The Madd Go Back To The Zoo The Rudolfs Chef‟Special 3000,3000,3000,1500,1250,1250,1250,1000,- *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. DJ’s DJ Wannabeastar (electro/house) DJ DNS (hiphop/soul) DJ Tommi (Balkan) Pushin Wood Soundsystem DJ Sampagne (crossover beats, funk, blakan, jazz) *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. 300,300,300,500,200,- Hosts Friday: PAX (Kyteman‟s Hiphop Orkest) Saturday: La Melodia *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. 500,500,- Decoration A wardrobe will be provided and manned by Van Dongen. Assuming a total of 2000 visitors will use the wardrobe on Friday and Saturday the costs will be 1.250,-. When charging visitors 1,per piece the turnover will be added to our revenue. Other decoration costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman and based upon expensive ecological materials. 30 4000 Design, advice and support Designer A designer will create a festival logo and overall festival design. With this logo and design the designer will be creating posters, a website and t-shirts. Catering personnel (drinks) / Randstad Catering personnel will be recruted and deployed by Randstad, HR Services. 5000 Additional Buma Stemra Buma/Stemra represents the interests of music authors in the Netherlands. They make sure that the authors receive remuneration for the use of their creations. Anyone who wants to make music available to the public pays remunerations for this via Buma. Because music will be played at the GREEN festival, there will need to be a certain amount of money kept aside to pay for this remuneration. To estimate the amount to set aside you need to look at two things. Admission fees and the amount of money spend on talent (bands, hosts, etc.). Buma Stemra will take the highest amount and charge you with 5% of it. In this case our admission fees are the highest amount so therefore we calculated 5% of this revenue and reserved it for Buma Stemra. Travel expenses A rough estimate is made for the travel expenses. Once the bands, DJ’s, hosts and any other personnel is confirmed these costs can be calculated. 6000 Supporting facilities Security / Dutch Homeland Security Security personnel will be hired at Dutch Homeland Security. Because there are no expensive materials placed outside on Friday and left outside during night no guard is needed for that time. Costs are calculated assuming 1 guard costs 35,- per hour and is deployed like the following: Friday 2. 3. Entrance 2 guards Inside 1 guard Saturday 4. 5. 6. 7. Entrance 2 guards Outside 2 guards Inside 2 guards Backstage inside entrance 1 guard 8. Backstage back entrance 1 guard Catering / Inbev, Dolphin Drinks such as Coca Cola, Fanta, beer and other refreshments will be purchased at Inbev. A bar with tap for the outside area will be supplied by Inbev. Water will be purchased at Dolphin water, environmentally friendly water. In return for a discount 31 Dolphin can distribute their promotion material on the festival area. EHBO / EHBO team An EHBO team will be hired at The costs are estimated based on 7000 Promotion, publicity, PR Printing / Publiprinting Everyhing that will be printed for promotional use will be printed at Publiprinting. Publiprinting prints on FSC certified paper. Distribution / Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool Posters will be distibuted by students of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool. T-shirts / Green Giving T-shirts will purchased and printed at Green Giving. These t-shirts are biodegradable. 8000 Organisational costs Printing costs / Copiesjop Most of the printing will be done at home. All other print work will be done at a Copiesjop. Printing will be on both sides of the paper to spare paper. Liability, furniture, break-in and fire insurance / Interpolis The insurance costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. The costs are based upon a medium to large festival. 9000 Revenu Admission fees Admission fees are calculated assuming 500 visitors on Friday and 1500 on Saturday. Friday: 10,- Saturday: 15,- Project subsidies Subsidies have been searched for and estimated with the help of Imre Parkayni, financial advisor at Habek foundation. Funds and sponsoring Sponsoring will be recieved by the means of materials and volunteers. For a desciption of the sponsors see chapter 3. Marketing and communication. Stalls / Bakker Verhuur Stalls placed on the outside area will be let. Wardrobe / Van Dongen A wardrobe will be hired at Van Dongen. Costs and revenu are estimated assuming 2000 visitors will use the wardrobe on Friday and Saturday. 32